NEw Enrrzows.—Wheaton's Elements of International Law. (Stevens and Sons. 358.
net.)—Dr. Coleman Phillipson has re-edited a fifth edition of this standard work. Sir Frederick Pollock contributes an introduction deploring Germany's disregard of the comity of nations in every direction and prophesying extensions of international law after the war.—The Glory that was Greece, by J. C. Stobart (Sidgwick and Jackson, 7a. 6d. net), has quickly reached a second, revised edition. The book and its photographs are a mine of pleasure, particularly to those who have no first-hand knowledge of Greek literature, archaeology, and culture.—Dr. A. J. and Mr. G. Hubbard's Neolithic Dew-Ponds and Cattle-Ways (Longmans and Co., 4s. 6d. net) is in its third edition. Upon its first appearance it was recognized as an original and valuable contribution to the prehistoric lore of Southern England.