Tuesday, Dee. 11.
Partnerships Dissolved.-Wormald and Pollard, Bridgefoot, Vauxhall, engineers- Rutty and Verey, timber-merchants-Shepherd and Barker, Longton, Staffbrdshire. earthenware-dealers-J. and C. Winchurst, Birmingham, jewellers -Lewis and Co. Little Alie Street, Goodman's Fields, cigar-manufacturers-Green and Co. Buck- lersbury, accountants-Westmacott and Co. John Street, Bedford Row, attornies ; as far as regards F. Blake-Rhodes and Taylor, Welch Whittle, Lancmhire--13nr- win and Andrew, Westwood Wharf, West India Docks, timber-merchants-Dale- and Co. Bridlington, iron-founders-Lavender and Fitzhenry, Liverpool, drain-pipe- manufacturers-Taylor and Teuton, Market Street. Paddington, carmen-Woods and Co. Liverpool, hosiers ; as far as regards 8. Woods-Parrott and Wlnkfield, East Greenwich, cement-manufacturers-Elford and Son, Great Pulteney Street, Westminster, tailors-Cunliffes and Myers, Manchester, lithographic-printers- Arnot and Smith, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, joiners-Griffiths and Co. Wrexham, mil- lers; as far as regards Jones and Roberts-Cowan and Co. Dublin, paper-makers- Dunstan and French, haulers of granite horn the Haytor quarries to Lairs. Bankruptcy Annulled.-likmal Osaoax, Water Lane, Lower Thames Street, wine-merchant.
Bankrupts.-W1LLIAM THOMAS, Catherine Street, Strand, publisher, to surrender Dec. 21, Jan. 25: solicitor, Gregory, Guildford Street, Russell Square; official assig- nee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street.
Jona BOND, Ludgate Hill, shawlman, Dec. 21, Jan. 25 : solicitor, Dale, Furnival's Inn; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street. Tuomos BENNETT, Margaret Street, Cavendish Square, tailor, Dec. 18, Jan. 22 : solicitor, Braddon, Gray's Inn Place ; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street.
Itamiann HODESN, Church Street, Hackney, Berliu-wool-warehouseman, Dec. 19, Jan. 22: solicitor, Stubbs, Moorgate Street ; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street. Titoxes Vaunt and Etwrx Hurst Owen, Strand, publishers, Dec. 26, Jan. 23 : solicitors, Bower and Co. Chancery Lane ; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall
Jonx JAMESON, Honey Lane, Milk Street, shawl-warehouseman, Dec. 19, Jan. 22: solicitors, Linklater and Hackwood, Sise Lane; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basing-
hall Street.
Joax HENRY 'TODD, Brighton, victualler, Dec. 21, Jan. 21: solicitor, Adams, Cloak Lane, Dowgate Hill ; official assignee, Lee, Aldermanbury. Jona HAYWARD COLBORNE, Poole, draper, Dec. 22, Jan. 25 : solicitors, Mardon and Prichard, Christchurch Chambers ; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Cham-
GEORGE Samna, Cornhill, coal-merchant, Dec. 21, Feb. 2: solicitors, Hind tack Co.; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers.
.3onst rum.= SnaLuis, St. Albans, straw-plait-dealer, Dec. 22, Jan.26 : &elicitors, &de end Co. Aldermanbury; Official assignee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street. Wrizaast Rocanx, Barnes Place, Mile End Road, cabinet-maker, Dec.20, Jan. 21: solicitors, Clatton and Ade, High Street, Southwark ; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court.
SAMUEL Wadden, Giltapur Street, leather-dealer, Dec. 20, Jan. 24: solicitors, Bothemley and Freeman, 'Coleman Street; official assignee, Johnson, Baainghall Street.
Sanwa. DATis and Twines .BEVAN, Birmingham, engineers, Dec. 27, Jan 17: solicitors, Hodgson and Allen, Birmingham ; octal assignee, Whitmore, Birming- ham.
HENRY Aspen SEHT04, Coventry, trimming-manufacturer, Dec. 28, Jan. 18: so- licitors, Davis, Coventry; 'Hodgson and Alen, Birmingham; official assignee, Christie, Birmingham. Wrilaan Swtrr, Stoke, cementer, Dec. 17, Jan. 'LI: solicitors, Beer and Rundle, Devonport ; official assignee, Iiirtzel, Exeter. Lams Braramisow, Hogsthorpe, Lincolnshire. joiner, Jan. 9, Feb. 6: solicitor, Farrow, Alford; official assignee, Carrick, Hull.
Fasts' JAQUES. Droylsden, silk-dyer, Dec. 21, Jan. 11: solicitor, PartiDgton, Manchester ; official assignee, Hernaman, Manchester.
Ztioidonels.-Jan. 3, Ashton, Loughborough Road, Brixton, builder-Jan. 1, Ed- wards jun. Portsea, corn-factor-Jan. 1, Shales, Brighton, linen-draper-Jan. 10, Morgan sod Lewis, Yatalyfera Graig, Glamorganshire, drapers-Jan. 8, Dixon, Crook, Durham, grocer-Jan. 3, Kitts, Bolton, cotton-spiuner-Jan. 8, Gaukroger and Co. Halifax, cotton-spinners.
Certificates.-lb be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the des, of meetiug.-Jan. 2, Dixey, Bradwell-near-the-Sea, Essex, inn-keeper-Jan. 2, Lau- rance, East Barnet, builder-Jan. 2, Matter, Woodstock, inn-keeper-Jan. 3, Ash- ton, Loughborough Road, Brixton, builder-Jan. 1, Keating, St. Paul's Church- yard, druggist-Jan. 10, Pratt, Birmingham, thimble-manufacturer-Jan. 9, Squire, HMI, timber-merchant.
Declarations of Dividends.-Castendieck, Mincing Lane, ship-agent ; 'first div. of d, any Wednesday ; Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Bond, Brighton, builder ; first Air. of 4s. old. any Wednesday; Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Jones and Carrier, Wolverhampton, hosiers ; first div. of 8s. Id. ; first dlr. of Sid. on the separate es- tate of J. W. Jones, and first div. of ls. on the separate estate of T. Carrier, any Prida.y; -Whitmore, Birmingham-Wilson, Manchester, timber-merchant; first div. of Is. ld. any Tuesday ; Fraser, Manchester-Noel, South Shields, wine-merchant ; first div. of 3s. 4d. any Saturday; . Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Graham, Win- gate, Durham, grocer; first div. of 8d. any Saturday ; Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne - Rushton, Carlisle, plasterer; first div. of 5s. any Saturday ; Baker, N ewcastle- upon-Tyne -Bartlam, Wolverhampton, grocer; first div. of 4a. 6d. any Thursday ; Mrbtie, Birmingham -Parkinson sen. Leicester, hosier; first div. of I53. on the se- parate estate, Monday next and following Monday ; Harris, Nottingham-Lowe, Derby, silkonanufacuirer; firstdiv. of 12s. 6d. Monday neat and following Monday ; Horns, Nottingham-Newell, Bradford, draper; first div. of Es. 6d. any day ; Young, Leeds-Carver and Son, Halifax, machine-makers; first div. of bs. any day; Young, Leeds-Brook and Co. Huddersfield, bankers; fourth div. of 5-6d. any day; Young, Leeds-Hammond, Ripen, builder; first div. of Is. 6d. any day; Young, Leeds- Dyson,liuddersfield, draper ; second div. of 7d. any day ; Young, Leeds-Holmes, Leeds, wine-merchant; first div. of ls. any day; Young, Leeds-Watkinson, Hali- fax, grocer; third div. of 2d any day ; Young, Leeds-Fell and Searoyd, Hudders- field, manufacturers; first div. of la.; Young, Leeds-Jennings, Bradford, draper ; first dlv. of 6s. 8d. any day; Young, Leeds-Briggs and Co. Keighley, Yorkshire, reachine-makers; first div. of Is. 6d. arty Monday or Tuesday ; Hope, Leeds - Browet, Bradford, inn-keeper ; first div. of 2s. 6d. any Monday or Tuesday; Hope, Leeds.
;Scotch Segualtrations.-Anderson and Currie, Glasgow, wine-merchants, Dec. 19 -Caen, Alice, Scriber, Dec. 18-Carter, Glasgow, merohant, Dec. 18-Trail, Edin- burgh, cabinet-maker, Dec. 20.
Ft•itlity., Dee. 14.
Partnerships . and W. Rennie, Portsea, millwrights-Butler and Richardson, Woolwich, surgeons-Waller and Co. Wood Street, straw-hat-manu- facturers-Groves and Langley, Leeds, contractort -Abrahams and Son, Chertsey, auctioneers-M•Lintock and Co. Barnsley, stay-manufacturers-Reddish and Co. Liverpool, fruit-merchants -Hardcastle and Co. Bradford, Yorkshire, woolstaplers
- Wheatley and Barlow, Manchester. sick-manufacturers-Dimmack and North, Wolverhampton, iron-masters-G. J. and T. P. Healy, Corsham, Wiltshire, fahners-Clerk and Smith, Wakefield, joiners-Martin and Landie, Long Acre, wood-engravers-Howell and Morgan, Bristol, manufacturers of photngtaphical plate-holders-W. and C. Coombs, Bristol, grocers-B. M. and R. Kelsey, God- stone, Surrey. millers-Banks and Co. Lostock Junction, near Bolton-le-Moors, bleachers-Bolton and Co, Auetinfriars, attorneys; as Tar as regards W. G. B01- ton-Eyseen and Miller, Liverpool-Blowers and Co. Reading, upholsterers ; as far as regards C. Barber.
.Baullehlytoy Annulied.-Bomar PEARS STEPEENS, Liverpool, ehip-owner.
Bankrupts.-RoPERT Btonk, Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury, picture-dealer, to surrender Dee. 27, Jan. 31; solicitor, Blythe, St. Snithin's Lane ; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings.
Ssisniat Pabst Exact, Godmanchester, Huntingdonshire, soda-water-manufac- turer, Dec. •21, Jan. 22: solicitors, Sewell and Co. Old Broad Street ; Hunnybun, Huntingdon : official assignee, Lee, Aldermanbury.
EDWIN JISICOON Btrra and 'Whalen 1181411Y GODDARD, Birmingham, merchants, JM1. 7, 88 solicitor, Reece, Birmingham ; official assignee, Christie, Birmingham. WILLIAM VA'rriEle, Hereford, upholsterer, Dec. 29, Jan. 19: solicitors, Boden- ham and Jomes, Hereford; Motteram and Knight, Birmingham; official assignee, Bittleston, Birmingham.
Wrisaiht bream, Dudley, bookseller, Dec, 26, Jan. 16: solicitors, Lowe, Dudley; Wright, Birmingham; official assignee, Whitmore, Birmingham. JAMES Wurrreaxa and Joust Emasost, Church, Lancashire, iron-founders, Jan. 8, 28 : solicitors, Higson and Robinson, Manchester ; official assignee, Fott, Man- chester.
Invidends.-lan. 8, Sylvestre, Argyll Street, importer of fancy goods-Jan. 8, Hickman, Princess Place, St. George's-in-the-East, undertaker-Jan. 4, Paton, Bread Street, warehouseman.
Clerkboates.-To be granted, ftlIk88 cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of naseting.--Jan.4, Longffie, Pilgrim Street, Ludgate Hill, merchant-Jan. 4, Simpson, St. Swithin's Lane, bill-broker-Jan. 4, Rigg, Upper Stamford Street, apothecary- Jan. 4, Thomas, Catherine Street, Strand, newspaper-proprietor-Jan. 4, Roxburgh, Liverpool, insurance-broker-Jan. 8, Hopkinson, Nottingham, beerhouse-keeper.
Declarations of Dividends.--Halket, Herne Bay, ship-owner; first div. 2s. Thurs- day next and two subsequent Thursdays; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Oppen- helm, Ramsgate, ship-chandler; first div. of ls. 8d. Wednesday next; Lee. Alder- manbury-Dawson, High Street, Shadwell, tobacconist; first div. of 4s. any Tues- day; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Shaw and Lane, Old Broad Street, wine-mer- chants; first div. of 2s. 6d. any Tuesday ; Fennel, Guildhall Chambers-Townsend, Charles Street, St. James's, poulterer ; filet div. of la. 4d. any Tuesday; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Elworthy, Bridgewater, draper ; first div. of Is. ld. any Tues- day; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Shyer, Stratford, grocer; second div. of ls. 10d. any Tuesday; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-T. and E. Scully, Curtain Road, Shore- ditch, cheesembngers; first dlr. of as. 8d. any Ttteadtty ; Pennell, Guildhall Chem- hers--Blaokwell, Peterborough, currier; first div. of 33. 411. any Tuesday; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Turnbull and Co. Blued Street, merchants ; final div. of 1-10d. any Tuesday; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Brooks, Booking, Essex, wheel- wright; fitet div. of Is. 3d. any Tuesday; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Pearl, Talton Street, Dorset Square, lorse-dealer ; first div. of 3d. any Tuesday; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Tibbs, America &mere, ship-owner ; first div. of 20s. and interest, any Tuesday; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers -.-Piggott, Great Eveaden, Cambridgeshire, general-shopkeeper ; first div, of so. Thursday next and three sibsequent Thursdays ; Graham, Coleman Street -Martyr, Union Street, Borough, ironmonger ; first div. df 5s. Id. Thursday nett and three subsequent Thursdays; Graham, Coleman Street-Claussen, Newman Street, Oxford Street, manufacturer; first div. of Sla. gd. on Thursday next and three subsequent Thursdays ; Graham, Coleman Street-Brotyne,'GrosvenoiStreet, Bond stieet, wine-tnercbant ; first div, of 38. 9d. any Wednesday ; Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Ward, Harrington, Cum- berland, alkali-manufacturer ; first div. of Is. 6d. any 'Saturday; Baker, Newcastle- upon-Tyne-Marshall, Sunderland, timber.merchatit ; first and final div, of 20s. on the separate estate, any Saturday'; Baker, Neirceitle-upon-Tyne. Scotch ,Sequestrations.-Turner, Glasgow, builder, Dec. 25-Martin, Brotherton, sitiod-merohant, Dee. 27-Dley, Edinburgh, coach-proprietor, Dec. 24-M'Nab, Laggan, Inverness-shire, sheep-dealer, Dee. 21-Allan, Glasgow, merchant, Dec. 25.