, Prince Albert Has Been Pat Forward In A Manner
that mast make every reflecting man regret his being placed in situations of sub- ordinate administration. The Horse Guards have always reckoned Captains in the Guards as equal......
An Order In Council Empowers The Bank Of England To
issue additional notes to the amount of 475,000/. to supply the defi- ciency in the apportioned paper currency of the country, created by the failure or discontinuance of......
News Of The Week.
TEE Peace reports which were current last week are still the chief topic of discussion. It is not that any fact in advance has been explicitly stated, but there is a certain......
The Checkered Fortune Of The War In Asia Has Again
favoured the Russian arms: Ears has been conquered by famine, and the hope of finally maintaining a feeble post in the presence of a pow- erful enemy has at last been baffled.......
Father Petcherine Is Acquitted. The Burning Of The Bibles...
proved, but not his individual concern in the act. Dublin illumi- nated—spontaneously, or under compulsion ; for the mob received the acquittal as a triumph over the Government.......