Health Of London* During The Week Ending December 8.
[From the Official Return.] Ten Weeks of 1845-'54. Zymotle Diseases 251.0 .... Dropsy, Cancer, and other diseases of uncertain or Tamable seat 49.1 Tubercular Diseases 1158.3......
Naval Gazette.
ADMIRALTY, Dec. 11.-Vice-Admiral of the Blue J. Goode, K.C.B. has been ap- pointed to receive a pension of 1501. a year, as provided for in her Majesty's Order in Council of the......
Military Gazette.
WAR-OPPIcE, Dec. 11.-Brevet.-Lieut.-Col. R. P. Campbell, C.B. 90th Regt. to be promoted to the rank of Colonel in the Army, for his distinguished service in the field. 7b be......
Commercial Gazette.
Tuesday, Dee. 11. Partnerships Dissolved.-Wormald and Pollard, Bridgefoot, Vauxhall, engineers- Rutty and Verey, timber - merchants - Shepherd and Barker, Longton,......
On the 31st October, at the Hospital Encampment, in the plain of Renkioi. Asia Minor, the Wife of Holmes Coote, Surgeon to the Smyrna British Hospital, and Assistant-Surgeon to......