The Crystal Palace.
Two reports relating to the management and financial position of the Crystal Palace have lately been presented. The first emanates from a Committee of Shareholders ; according......
Lint ',arts.
BELCHER'S ARCTIC VOYA013*—THE ILLUSTRATIONS. Last week we reviewed this book ; to which we are induced to return on the present occasion by the copiousness, variety, and......
Crimean Photographs.
The term " Crimean photographs" has become almost identified with the name of Mr. Fenton and the locality of the Old Water-Colour Gal- lery in Pall Mall East. But it is possible......
;inu 311usir.
Six German Volkelieder. Transcribed for the Pianoforte, by Adolph Gollmick. The modest term "transcribed," as used by modern German composers, means something more than is......
Itttrant Ituuttigo.
THE Russiair Damara OF Loma Sn'exnnsa.—English statesmen do not awake now for the first time, within my own recollection, to the neces- sity of offering a cheek to Russian......