ffip igrutiurto.
Some changes are about to take place in the representation of Yarmouth and Rochester. Mr. Rumbold has retired from the former; and the Honourable Colonel Vereker intends to offer himself to the constituency. The Honourable F. Villiers, of turf and gambling notoriety, has been forced by his situation to accept the Chiltern Hundreds. This leaves one of the seats at Rochester vacant. Two candidates are in the field: Mr. P. W. Martin, Liberal, who has already commenced his canvass ; and Mr. Bodkin, the barrister, formerly Conservative Member for the borough, who has issued an address, on "independent" principles.
Sir Robert Peel has again attracted attention. On Wednesday sen- night he entertained at dinner the noncommissioned officers and privates of the troop of Staffordshire Yeomanry cavalry, which he commands ; and in proposing the "Army and Navy," he launched out into praises of both services, so hearty as to bring down volleys of cheers almost at every sentence. With regard to the Navy, he denied that he had "insinuated a slur" against that service at the Tamworth dinner. If every British heart beat like his own, he would warrant that there would be no lack of spirit or loyalty within the sea-girt cliffs of old England.
When Mr. Bass proposed his health, Sir Robert touched on a wider theme, and treated it in his usual style— Of course it would ill become him to make any political allusion to what is passing in the East, but a few reflections might not be out of place. We have gained great victories, but at the cost of many men ; and now at the end of the year we hear rumours of a peace to be brought about by the intervention of Austria. Now, we all anxiously desire peace ; but the danger is, that that very desire leads people hastily to attach importance to prospects not unfrequently based on shallow foundations. His idea was that there is little importance to be attached to these rumours of peace. He knew, and they all knew as well as he did, that Austria is no friend of ours. Austria, under a professed lukewarn friendship, had only cloaked an ill-disguised hostility ; and he would say, that if we do have negotiations for peace, we must be cautious how we deal with proposals that come from Austria. He wanted peace as much as any man, but if the negotiations for peace were to come from Austria, he should be exceedingly cautious about them. He could not forget the past—he could not forget the hesitation and vacillation of Austria during recent proceedings, and he could not close his eyes to the treacherous conduct of Austria in the Danubian Principalities. Austria entered the Principalities as our friend, but her conduct had been nothing else than that of the ally of Russia. If we are to have peace, the cause the Allies had espoused, and which had been hallowed, he might say, by the blood of our countrymen, absolutely demanded that it must be satisfactory to the country and such as the sacrifices it had made demanded. We must not be satisfied with the bare Four Points. The Crimea is no longer an in- tegral part of Russia; it never must be, and he would add, it never shall be. (Great cheering.) Let them think of the carcasses of their countrymen, by which the Crimea was hallowed in the eyes of Englishmen, and then say whether they were to be satisfied with any false peace, which might be offered through the medium of a Power which had proved itself anything but friendly. (Loud applause.) Addresses on the war continue to be delivered, by Members of Parlia- ment, at the meetings of Agricultural Associations. Thus, on Thursday and Friday last week, Lord Newport at Shrewsbury, Mr. Floyer at Sher- borne, and Mr. Langton at Yeovil, expressed their opinions on the pend- ing negotiations. They generally agreed, that if Russia desire a real peace, such as will secure Turkey and Europe, it might be made now ; but they also seemed to think that the terms which would secure the ob- jects of the war would not be acceptable to Russia. Those objects, how- ever, should be defined.
Mr. Newdegate and Mr. Spooner addressed their constituents at the din- ner of the Rugby and Dunchurch Conservative Agricultural Association, held at Rugby last week ; Lord John Scott in the chair. The main topics of Mr. Newdegate's speech were the war, Mr. Gladstone's lectures on the Colonies, and the Bank Act of 1844; but before he entered on these mat- ters, he indulged in the boast that he was an "independent Member, serving his party only while it served his principles, and leaving it when it ceased to do so." With regard to the war, he thought the course of Lord Palmerston the best; though, in the changeable state of affairs, he would not pledge himself to Lord Palmerston. They would all re- joice in the unanimous English feeling that had grown up about the war. British prestige is our character for justice and power. Mr. Gladstone had said that we should scout the notion of maintaining our Colonial pos- sessions for the sake of prestige : speeches like those of Mr. Gladstone at Hawarden pave the way for the dismemberment of England, and Eng- lishmen should have their eyes on such politicians. Mr. Gladstone had done all he could to maintain the prestige of Russia, by asserting that we have no right to exact from her any other than her own interpretation of the four points ; and now he talks of the dismemberment of the British empire! Mr. Spooner said he desired peace in the inmost recesses of his soul : he should pursue peace as his object; but not strive to obtain it until by war peace could be grounded on terms honourable to Great Britain and safe to all, and such as he believed to be lasting. If Govern- ment swerved from this object, he swerved from them ; but any Minister who conducted the war as the nation desired, that 'Minister should have his support, however he might otherwise differ from him.
Both Members argued against the Bank Act of 1844. Mr. Newdegate said, that when Parliament meets we shall see the advocates of that act join the Peace-at-any-price party. Mr. Spooner uttered a prophecy- " We must either alter the Bank Act of 1844 or make peace."
The annual dinner of the Guildford Agricultural Association, held on Thursday, was attended by Mr. Drummond, chairman, Lord Lovaine, Mr. Raikes Currie, Mr. Mangles, and other county notables. Mr. Drum- mond did not forget his vocation. He abused the press, for slandering Prince Albert ; for censuring the " Great 'Unpaid" ; for censuring the
Army and Navy; for goading the country into the war by false repre- sentations; and he predicted that the country will be goaded by false re- presentations into a dishonourable peace hereafter.
We had a right to go to war, not for the sake of civilization, but in order to protect the little man whom the big bully was about to knock down. What on earth has civilization to do with it ? Peace at any price is a very fallacious cry, but war at all price is equally fallacious. When shall we have common sense ? He doubted whether the Emperor of the French is inclined to go on with the war; and would they go on single-handed ? (Cries of " No, no ! ") He was willing to take military possession of Con- stantinople, and say that the Russians should not come there ; beyond that he would not go.
Mr. Mangles met Mr. Drummond's remarks on civilization.
He did not think this country should go forth like a knight-errant, at- tacking this nation or defending that for the sake of carrying out an abstract principle under the denomination of the progress of civiliza- tion. But it was a very different thing to say it was a war for civili- zation, meaning thereby that it was a war for the sake of disputing the inroad of barbarism and the insults of a barbarous and despotic empire. (Cheers.) In that sense a war for the advance of civilization was a very proper war, and in that sense this war was a just and righteous war. (Re- newed cheers.) He believed the Emperor of the French desires peace, as we all desire it : but what sort of peace does the Emperor of the French de- sire ? Why, the description of peace at which we are all aiming—a peace which promised to be a lasting one ; a peace, in fact, which should bind the Emperor of Russia to keep the peace. (Renewed cheering.) The Birmingham Cattle Show has been held this week. It was ex- tremely well attended ; and there was an excellent display of stock. A new feature of the show was the exhibition of the roots on which the cattle had been fed. The dinner took place at Dee's Hotel on Tuesday ; the Earl of Dartmouth in the chair. Among the guests were Mr. New- degate, Mr. Adderley, Mr. Muntz, Mr. Spooner, Mr. Scholefield, Mr. Holland—all Members of Parliament. In the course of the oratory after dinner, Mr. Muntz, who proposed " the Agricultural Interest," put for- ward at great length his well-known views on the currency ; discussed the effect of the gold-discoveries ; entered into the question of " what is a pound" ; and prophesied, that " unless they could support the system by something more definite than they had up to the present time, the period would again come when every manufacturer would again have a farmer for his supper." Mr. Newdegate talked about the importance of the home market, and rejoiced in that dinner as a practical illustration of the union between the agriculturalists and manufacturers.
At the Darlington Fat Cattle Show dinner, last week, Lord Harry Vane made a speech on the war, little relished by his hearers, who were many of them also his constituents.
He could be no party, he said, to what he deemed a popular delusion- " the advocacy of an indefinite war without a definite purpose." He ex- pressed alarm at the opinions expressed at public meetings. He could not help stating his views, more especially as rumours were afloat of certain ne- gotiations and certain proposals which the Emperor of the French was al- leged to have in some measure countenanced,-but the great obstacle to the consideration of which was said to arise from popular feeling in this country. If we were to carry on a war for indefinite purposes, and to go on heaping up mountains of debt with the prospect of a doubtful issue to a protracted war, those very interests which are now deriving a temporary benefit by rea- son of high prices must in the end greatly suffer, and those who now per haps heard him with little favour would COMO mind' to the opinions he had expressed.
Captain Scobell and Mr. Tile addressed their constituents at Bath on Tuesday, at the dinner of the Bath and West-of-England Agricultural show dinner. Their doctrine was peace, if safe securities could be ob- tained; but Mr. Tile reminded his hearers of the peace of Amiens, and asked that Russia should be made to pay war-expenses.
Mr. John S. Trelawny delivered a lecture on Tuesday, in the Bedford Assembly Rooms, to the members of the Bedford Literary Society : sub- ject, the Maxims of Roehefoucauld.
Dr. Macbride and Mr. C. P. Golightly lodged an appeal with the Vice- Chancellor of Oxford University, requesting that the Reverend B. Jowett, Professor of Greek, might be ccaallled upon to renew his subscription to the Thirty-nine Articles. The ground for the appeal was the allegation that certain passages in a work of Mr. Jowett's contained doctrines on the Atonement " plainly contrary to that of the Church of England, as set forth in her Articles of Religion and Book of Common Prayer." The Vice-Chancellor, on Wednesday, required Mr. Jowett to renew his sub- scription to the Thirty-nine Articles ; " a requirement with which he immediately complied."
Shropshire is to have a Reformatory institution. On Thursday week, a large meeting,—Lord Hill in the chair,—was held in the Shire Hall, Shrewsbury, attended by several ladies, as well as some of the most con- spicuous men in the county ; resolved that a Reformatory should be established, and appointed a committee to collect subscriptions.
Moved by the activity of their Protestant fellow countrymen, the Ro- man Catholics have resolved to found a reformatory institution for juvenile delinquents of their faith in the Midland Counties. A well-at- tended meeting for this purpose was held in the Birmingham Town-hall on Tuesday ; Sir Robert Throckmorton in the chair. Sir Robert said, it behoved the Roman Catholics to bestir themselves, and "to take care that, under pretence of reforming the morals of these juveniles, the groundwork of all pure morality, their religious convictions and religious faith, should not be uprooted and undermined." Dr. Ullathorne, Roman Catholic Bishop of Birmingham, said that the meeting had to consider whether they would respond to the invitation held out by Government to all religious sects ;. whether they could, by taking up this system, virtually put themselves into a position to win the confidence of the Government, of public opinion, and of the magistrates ; and having won that confidence, whether they should not be able to penetrate further into their gaols—whether they should not be able gradually to obtain their strict rights in this free country. The Abbot of St. Bernard's Monastery in Charnwood Forest said, that he and his brethren were willing to undertake the reformation of Roman Catholic juvenile offend- ers. An institution is in course of erection near the abbey ; the abbey is in possession of 250 acres of land; but fifty more will be required for the institution, and the total cost will be 40001. The Inspector of Prisons is ready to certify the Reformatory as soon as it is ready for oc- cupation, and then the Government will contribute five shillings per week
for each boy. It was resolved to accept the offer of the Abbot, and 5001. was subscribed on the spot.
The Committee for establishing a Reformatory School for Warwick- shire have accepted an offer of a site made by Lord Leigh, of thirty acres of land at Weston, near Leamington, at five shillings an acre.
The Manchester folks have bethought them that a statue of James Watt would not be an inappropriate ornament to the metropolis of Cotton. It is rather late in the day, but the oldproverb still holds good. On Tuesday, a meeting of notables in the Town-hall, under the presidence of the Mayor, decided that a statue ought to be erected, and that a bronze cast of Chantrey's statue in Westminster Abbey would serve the purpose. A committee was appointed to receive subscriptions. The statue will stand in front of the Infirmary, on a pedestal corresponding with that bearing the statue of Dalton.
The strike at Manchester continues. It appears that there is at least one trade in which masters and men have hit upon a mode of settling diffi- culties without strikes—the carpet trade. Before 1839, strikes among the carpet-weavers were all but continuous. In that year the evil reached a climax ; the organization of the workmen having called forth a counter- organization of the masters, which gave a victory to the latter. The masters then made a sensible proposition to the men : they proposed that the masters should hold an annual meeting in a central town ; that the carpet-weavers should send delegates; and that the latter should have a consultative but not legislative powers. The men sit with masters, state their case, reply to questions. They then retire ; and the masters come to a decision. In only one instance have the men been dissatisfied. On that occasion they asked their employers to reconsider their decision, and it was done to the satisfaction of both parties. This system has worked for fifteen years with the best results. Why should it not work as well for cotton-weavers as for carpet-weavers ? This question is asked in a letter by the chairmen for the weavers of twenty firms in Scotland and the North of England, who communicate their plan of action and urge its adoption by the men of Lancashire.
The trial of Mr. Joseph Snaith Wooler, at Durham Assizes, on a charge of the wilful murder of his wife, Jane Wooler, commenced on the 7th in- stant, and was continued for the two following business days, terminating on Monday last. The evidence was very extensive. No witnesses were ex- amined for the defence, but the same effect was attained by the cross-exami- nation of the witnesses for the prosecution. Setting aside witnesses to mere points of form, they were—Mr. Alfred Swaine Taylor, Professor of Chemistry and Medical iurisprudence at Guy's Hospital who gave evidence upon the appearances of the body after dissection; Dr. Thomas Hays Jackson, Mrs. Woofer's medical attendant, Mrs. Jackson, and George Earle Henzell, as- sistant to Dr. Jackson ; Dr. Thomas Richardson, an analytical chemist at Newcastle ; Mr. Valentine Devey, a surgeon ; Dr. Seymour Dixon ; Dr. Ro- bert Christison, who assisted in some parts of the analysis ; the Reverend Ro- bert James Simpson, a clergyman; Ann Taylor, Mrs. Wooler's only servant ; Miss Elizabeth Lanchester, the sister to Mrs. Wooler, who was with her through her illness; Ann Bucknell, another sister, who saw Mrs. Wooler on the morning of her death; Miss C. Middleton, who visited Mrs. Wooler on her sick bed; Margaret Wooler, a niece of the prisoner; and Ralph Fortune, the Registrar of Deaths. The case for the prosecution was stated by Mr. Edwin James, Q.C.; Mr. Sergeant Wilkins conducted the defence. The evidence was brought out with great care : it necessarily involves some de- tails which are usually excluded from our pages, but which are necessary to a thorough understanding of the case.
Mr. Wooler married his wife about eighteen years ago. They resided in several places, amongst others in India, but for several years at Burden near Darlington. Mrs. Wooler was in delicate health. On the 8th of May last, she was seized with vomitings ; Dr. Jackson was called in, and he attended her until her death on the 27th of June. Fourteen days before death, the attention of medical men was drawn to indications of poison ; a post-mortem examination took place on the 29th ; and then it was discovered that the system was completely saturated with arsenic. The poison was found in the intestines, in the lungs, in the liver. Dr. Jackson stated that there was no arsenic in the medicines; and several witnesses—his wife, his chemist, &c. —deposed that no arsenic had been introduced into his prescriptions. Amongst the medicaments, injections were used, of a nature to soothe exces- sive irritation of the bowels. These injections were prepared by the servant in the kitchen, or sometimes by Mr. Wooler ; and they were uniformly ad- ministered by Mr. Wooler himself. It was stated that he had been urged by Dr. Jackson to procure additional medical aid, but that he was slow to consent. He kept a book of entries of the symptoms, and of medicines, down to the 14th of June, and then desisted. He did not mention the tingling of the hands, which was among the symptoms, until his wife mentioned in Dr. Haslewood's presence that she had mentioned it to him three or four days before. On one occasion a bottle of urine was sent to be analyzed by Mr. Menzell ; it was sent through Mr. Wooler ; when it arrived it proved to be of a totally different character—the urine of some other person having been substituted. Many circumstances—such as Mr. Wooler's not being very quick to call somebody to his wife's deathbed, a comparative indifference which he showed when her death became certain, his making a will while she was dying that constituted her his residuary legatee—were stated in evidence. On the 29th of June the prisoner told the Registrar that the cause of death was ulceration of the bowels. Dr. Jackson then suggested an ex- amination of the body, intimating poison ; on which the prisoner expressed surprise to Ann Taylor the servant, and told the girl to gather up all the bottles. The servant placed them in her box. Poison appeared to have been administered in small continuous doses, by some person who had a knowledge of the mode of administering : Mr. Wooler had a. knowledge of poison, and kept solution of arsenic in his possession. The most suspicious fact, perhaps, was his sending a letter to his nephew Mr. Bucknell, a pupil of Sir John Fife, to be submitted to the opinion of that gentleman, detailing all the symptoms except the one of tingling in the hands, which would have conclusively pointed to arsenic. He also wrote a letter on the 16th of June, stating that Mrs. Wooler was in "a galloping consumption."
On cross-examination, however, a number of facts came out which ma- terially altered the whole aspect of the case. It was proved that Mrs. Wooler and her husband were greatly attached to each other ; that their at- tachment'continued down to the last ; that instead of being reluctant, he had been anxious to procure further medical assistance ; and that, with evident signs of grief, on more than one occasion, he hastened to procure immediate aid. He kept a basket containing a solution of arsenic, but it was in very small quantity ; and instead of making any secret about it, he freely produced the basket.. Among the poisons were strychnine and veretria, vegetable Poisons much more difficult of detection than arsenic. The substitution of the urine was explained by the fact that on the night before, another person had slept in Mrs. Woolers room. It also came out in cross-examining the medical witnesses, that they had suppressed their
opinion respecting the poison. They told Mr. Wooler that there was disease of the lungs, and Dr. Jackson admitted that she " might go rapidly." [This would explain the " galloping consumption.") Dr. Taylor said there was nothing to show that the arsenic had been administered by injection ; and if it had been administered by mistake the effect would have been the same.
An important part of the cross-examination practically turned upon the conduct of the medical attendants. Dr. Jackson admitted that the symp- toms attracted his attention about the 7th of June. It was on tho 8th of June that he spoke to Mr. Wooler of consumption. Up to the 17th he never said anything to Dr. Haslewood about arsenic. Mr. Henzell had not seen the patient for some time before the 4th of June : on visiting her then, he at once suspected poison ; and on the 13th he discovered a metallic sub- stance in the urine by tests. He hinted his surmises then to the Doctor on the 18th, and communicated them fully on the 19th. Dr. Haslewood had his suspicions aroused by Mr. Henzell. He ascertained on the 20th, from conversation with Wooler, that he had administered the injections. "I first heard of the tingling of hands from Mr. Wooler on the 2311. He said, My wife has a feeling of tingling and stiffness in the hands,' and said, ' what can that mean ?' I made no answer, but turned sharply away, having looked before for that symptom." Dr. Haslewood was requested by the prisoner to give a statement of his wife's symptoms. It was this state- ment by Dr. Haslewood which formed the substance of Mr. Wooler's letter that omitted the symptoms of tingling in the hands : Dr. Haslewood said that he deliberately omitted that symptom. He had agreed with his col- leagues not to divulge their suspicions. The symptoms stated would arouse suspicion; but the numbness of the hands completed the chitin of symp- toms. Mr. Justice Willes recapitulated the evidence with great painstaking; cau- tioned the Jury against judging upon far-fetched surmises ; pointed out how the suspicious circumstances had been explained; and concluded with this remark—" I may observe, that if I were to make a surmise, there is a person upon whom my fancy would rest rather than upon the prisoner." The Jury retired at a quarter to six o'clock, and after an absence of ten minutes, re- turned with a verdict of "Not guilty."
At York, on Tuesday, William D. Beresford, a middle-aged man, a clergy- man, cousin to Lord Decies and heir to the peerage, was tried for uttering a forged indorsement to a bill for 1001. In 1848, he applied to the Bradford Banking Company to discount a bill purporting to be drawn by "Marcus Beresford," then Adjutant-General of Ireland, on Hibbert and Co., of Lon- don, and accepted by them : the manager told him he would discount it if it were indorsed by some known person ; Beresford auggested Mr. Kay, of Manningham Hall, or his son ; the manager said that would be sufficient. Subsequently, the prisoner called at the bank, inquired for and received a letter addressed to himself, and from it he took the bill in question : it pur- ported to be indorsed by Mr. Kay junior. To disarm a rising suspicion, Beresford told the manager that Mr. Kay was ill, and had written his name while in bed. The bill was then discounted. The indorsement was a forgery. Beresford had been staying with Mr. Kay senior, and had asked his son to discount the bill, which that gentleman declined to do : the pri- soner afterwards made an excuse to get a letter from young Mr. Kay, doubt- less to obtain his signature. Recently, Mr. Kay met him in London, and gave him into custody. The case was very clearly made out; the verdict was " Guilty" ; and Mr. Baron Martin pronounced a sentence of transportation for life. The convict was completely stunned by the sentence.
At Gloucester, John Sampson, a surgeon at Berkeley, was convicted of uttering a forged ten-pound note. It was shown that he had uttered many forged notes, some of which he retrieved, saying he had been imposed upon by some man with whom he had made a bet. But there was no proof that such a circumstance had occurred ; and the Jury came to the conclusion that Sampson had knowingly uttered the notes. Sentence, fifteen years' trans- portation.
At Exeter, Robert Handcock, a labouring man of Northam, was tried for the murder of his wife. There was no doubt about the facts, from his own explicit avowals and the circumstances observed. The question the Jury had to decide was the sanity of the prisoner at the time he killed his wife, by beating her on the head with a hammer and cutting her throat, as she lay in bed. For many months his conduct had been " strange" : he had a delu- sion that his wife had been too intimate with one Puncher ; he left her onoe for several weeks; his behaviour had been so extraordinary that surgeons tn had watched him ascertain whether it was necessary to put any restraint upon him—unfortunately, they arrived at the conclusion that it was not ; he had frequently threatened his wife that he would murder her. The pri- soner's counsel pleaded that he waiLnot responsible at the time ; the most
that the Jury could do was to find'him guilty of manslaughter. A number
of witnesses were called to support the plea of insanity. Baron Parke in- structed the Jury, that if they convicted the prisoner at all it must be for murder. He then explained to them the law respecting insanity : to acquit Handcock on that score they must be convinced that he had no control over his acts when ho killed his wife—that he was not conscious he was doing wrong. The Jury returned a verdict of " Not guilty, on the ground of in- sanity."
At the same Assizes, " Captain " Harvey, a retired mariner, was tried for shooting at the Reverend Mr. Tucker, at Musbury. This extraordinary at- tack was noted at the time; it is now explained—Harvey was mad. He was quickly acquitted, on the ground of insanity.
At Liverpool, Jonathan Heywood was convicted of the murder of Margaret Judea, a widow, with a family. She had been too intimate with Heywood ; they had a quarrel, and he threatened to "cut her throat." They met at Rochdale, and slept together at a public-house ; early in the morning, Hey- wood departed, and went to another district; Margaret Judas was found dead in bed, with her throat cut, and a razor in her right hand. But the murderer had failed to arrange matters so that it would appear to be a case of suicide : the surgical testimony was opposed to the probability that the woman had killed herself ; while numerous circumstances pointed to Hey- wood as the assassin. The Jury believed that he was so; and the Judge in passing sentence of death on him said he had aggravated his crime by at- tempting to make it appear that Mrs. Judea had been guilty of self-murder. The convict behaved with great self-possession, and persisted in his inno- cence.
At the same Assizes, James Pager was convicted of setting fire to a house while Mary Gibbon was in it. Pager was a grocer at Salford ; ho had little stock or furniture, but he had insured for a large sum ; he had told a person that he should have a fire, and consequently money, before long ; he scut away his wifo arid children ; one night a fire occurred in the shop and cel- lar, which the Jury were convinced had been caused by Pager himself. Mary Gibbon, the prisoner's servant, was sleeping in the house at the time, and her master aroused her. A short time before this fire another had oc- curred at Pager's, and he had received money from an insurance-company. Sentence of death was recorded.
A very alarming accident occurred on the Great Northern Railway, near Ranskill station, on Tuesday evening. The tire of a wheel b 1:e, forced its way through the floor of a passenger-carriage, and committe mach havoc, yet did not hurt the passengers in the carriage. The oscillati Othe train tightened a cord running along it, and the engineer's bell was rung ; he promptly stopped the train, and no further mischief ensued. The cord and bell have recently been attached to trains on this line for means of commu- nication between guard and driver ; in this case they were probably the means of saving life.
Several of the wooden huts at Aldershott Camp were destroyed by a fire which broke out in the officers' quarters of the Antrim Rifles on Saturday night. There was an utter lack of prompt means to stay the ravages of the fire—no engine or iron screens near at hand, wells with no ropes and buckets to get up water, and so on. The fire originated from overheating a stove : the stoves in the camp are all dangerous articles.
Mademoiselle Julie, a girl of eighteen, an actress and dancer, died at Ply- mouth a few days since, after lengthened sufferings, from the effects of burns and nervous shock ; her light ballet costume having caught fire from a lamp on the stage while she was dancing before the audience. She sup- ported her mother and a little brother by her exertions, and much sympathy has been excited for her and them.