15 DECEMBER 1855, Page 6

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Faitweni.—The remains of Admiral Bruat were -buried on Tuesday, in the church of the Invalides. All the chief functionaries of the -Army and -Navy and of the War and Marine Departments, and a large body of troops, assisted at the ceremony. The interior of the church was entirely hung with black, with escutcheons bearing the initials of the Admiral, and crowns of laurel, in which were written the names of the expeditions in which he had acted a glorious part—Navarino, Algiers, 0 tabiti, Toulon, Martinique, Sebastopol, Kerteh, Kinburn, &o. In the centre of the church rose a splendid catafalque, surrounded with five rows of lighted tapers and fasces of tricolored flags. The invalid soldiers, armed with lances, lined the passage from the gate to the catafalque, round which was stationed a guard of honour formed of decorated non- commissioned officers belonging to all the regiments of the garrison.

The Moniteser states that the Queen of Spain has conferred the Grand Cross of the Order of St. Ferdinand upon Marshal POlissier ; and that her Majesty has placed a number of decorations of the same order at the disposal of the French Minister of War, to be conferred upon officers who have been engaged in the war in the Crimea.

ITALY.—The King of Sardinia arrived et Tulin -on the 9th 'blatant. He left Paris on Sunday morning, accompanied to the railway-station by Prince Napoleon.; and returned to Piedmont by way of Lyons. Wherever he stopped he was greeted by public applause. At Sum the Prince of Carignan awaited his Majesty, and at the Turin railway- station there were the Ministers and an immense crowd to welcome home their "Re Gabintuome."

THE CIUMEA.—Winter in the Crimea is not likely to pass over without engagements, small or great. The following telegraphic despatch from Marshal Pelissier shows that the enemy is busy on the right flank of the Allies -

"Sebastopol, Dec. 8, 1 p. on.—I have received the following despatch from the General in oommand of the First Division of the First Corps : A body of from 2000 to 3000 infantry and about 400 or 500 horse, at daybreak this morning, attacked Baga, Ourkousta, and Skvaka. The enemy beat a retreat after a sharp fusilade, which lasted for an hour and a half. Some thirty prisoners were left in our hands, two of whom were officers. I am not aware of the number of killed and wounded. Our loss is insignificant.' " Bags, Oarkusta, and Skvaka, or " Savatka," as Arrowsmith writes it, are three villages lying in the valley of Baidar, and forming the extreme outposts of the Allied right wing, occupied by the First French Division.

'The amnions recently captured two French officers who had lost their way and wandered to the Russian side of the Pchernaya at Alan. The ordinary intelligence by letter from the camp still paints the as- pect of things en beau. The correspondents of the n'tnes send the fol- lowing.

" The army is getting into better shape and term every day. Excelleht warm clothing has been issued to the men; and so uniform is it in style that no one can distinguish officers from men, unless by the difference of style and bearing. Our allies are astonished at the profuseness of our mili- tary wardrobe ; which not only contains a waterproof suit, helmet and all, but fur coats and caps, cowhide boots, tweed coats lined with cat or rabbit skin, &c., and, for the officers, suite of sealskin, sold at moderate prism The French only receive from their Government an ordinary cloth capote, and must buy any waterproof! or furs which they may find necessary All the Highlanders are in huts; so are the Piedniontete and the French at Balder. The French on the Fedukhine heights are indeed still under can- vast, but ndt under the totem d'abri. They have got a great number of Turkish doible tents, which if properly stretched are water-tight ; while the poles, made of one solid piece of wood, resist any wind, as was proved


last year n the gale of the 14th of November. Even these tents, however, are gradually disappearing. As it is, more than three-fourths of the Allied armies on this side are in comfortable shelter, whence they can brave storm and rain. Them is no want of provisions either. The Highland Division has not, in this respect, been behind the other English divisions on the pla- teau of Sebastopol; as every one can see from far when he reaches the church of Kamara—now a Piedmontese magazine. Pyramids of biscuit-sacks, rows of barrels with salt meat and rum, piles of corn and hay, are striking evi- dences of the foresight and diligence exhibited in collecting ample stores for the winter, especially as the breehwood abounding all around dispenses with the transport of that important item fuel. The Sardinians and the French, not including those at Baidar, have not thought it necessary to form large stores; they send to their dem% at Balakleva and Kadikoi. '

The Daily Scotsman publishes a private letter, dated November OA, from the master of a merchant vessel who had visited Sebastopol. He gives a startling account.of the interior of the Redan. " We walked through the tamps of the Allies nearly the Whole Way. It was fatiguing, as the road was over a suo0eSSIoli of hills and across deep val- leys, and every place telling the work which had been going on—plenty of graves and large masses of shot and broken shells, broken muskets, military cape, and all Sorts of military equipments. We passed through part of the valley of the Inkerman, and then tame into what is called the Valley of Death. It is a deep road, with high cliffs on each aide, and is commanded by the Redan forts. In the valley the shot and shell and musket-bullets were actually as thick as the stones rn Some places. The carnage there must have been dreadful. We arrived at the Redan about eleven teclock, and in the fort the sight that met us beggars all desetiption. In the first place, the guns—and very large they were—were all meetly broken or damaged ; the musket-bullets and Minis balls were innumerable. Theft Were soldiers' clothes, books, letters, boots—and some of them with the wearer's leg still in them !—Solo of the slain only half buried, some with the head partly above ground, and some with the fade fully exposed. All Was silent, however, with the exception of immense quantities of rats which were gnawing the unburied bodies before ostrjaces. I left the place in great disgust, as every now and then, when a faint breeze of wind would come across, the smell of the dead was very strong."

A second Supplement to the London Gazette of Friday the 7th con- tained a despatch from Sir Edmund Lyons, with an enclosure from Captain Osborn, detailing the operations of the flotilla in the Sea of Azofe in the liman of Gheisk, where the enemy had collected immense stores of forage, fuel, and corn. The Liman of Gheisk is a small shallow bay on the_ Southern side of the Gulf of Azoff. The new town of Gheisk, founded by Prince Woronzofe stands on elevated ground on the Western shore of the liman ; the old town is on the opposite side, a little South of Glofira.. Osborn brolight the squadron under hie command to an author o the liman after dark on the Sd November. In the Operations undertaken next day, he employed the boats of the ships and the gun- boats. The first attempt was made by-Lieutenant Kenedy of the Curlew; who, covered by the gun-boats, landed between Vodka'. and Glofire, set on lire long tiers of stacks, and reemberked before the Cossack guard could gallop up from Lazalnite. The Glofira Spit had been intrenebed. Captain Osborn bombarded it in front ; Lieutenant Campion, with a small force of marines, turned it on the West, drove the enemy from the trench, captured a small brass gun, and forced them steadily back from store to store, until the whole was in flames. Meanwhile, Lieutenant Roes and Commander Kenedy had attacked Gheisk itself, and had succeeded, by great etertiots, in firing everything within reach. "The shallowness of the water obliged the crews of the boats to be towing and wading through the water from noon until midnight ; the season, too, being now very cold" ;—all which the Men underwent in the face of a large fotce and in manner that has earned for them the applause of their commanders. On the 5th the operations were renewed. The gun-boats entered the liman, within reach of four miles of stacks of corn and hay, timber-yards, fish- stores, and boats ; which were defended by 3000 or 4000 soldiers. The attack was made in three bodies, which landed at three points, Captain Osborn directing operations from the liman. The attacks were entirely successful, andeverything but the town of Gheisk was destroyed." " I despair of being able,' writes Captain Osborn to Sir Edmund Lyons, "lia convey to you any idea of the extraordinary quantity of corn, rye, hey, wood, and other supplies, so necessary for the existence of Russian armies bdth in the Caucasus and the Crimea, which it has been our good fortune to destroy. That these vast stores should have been collected here, so close to the sea, while we were still in the neighbeurhood, is only to be accounted for by their supposing that they could not be reached by ; and, judgmg by the position the squadron under the late Captain Edmund Lyons took up in May last, the Russians bad established a Camp and foaled their town only to meet a similar attack."

The total loss of the British was six wounded. The operations were admirably conceived and intrepidly executed by a small force of 200 men; and are among the most notable that have been performed in the Sea of Azoff.

In his despatch, written on the 24th November, Sir Edmund Lyons states, that "as the ice is now forming on the shores of the Sea of Azoff, the squadron is withdrawn."

Tuarcxy.—The long-expected fall of fears, mysteriously rumoured in Germany last week, seems to have occurred at last. The Morning Post of Wednesday stated that "authentic intelligence has been received, which leaves no doubt at to the flee of Kees. Ismail Pasha (General Kmety), with another officer, who succeeded in .dint the vigilante of the Rus- sian outposts, have effected their &mope. When they quitted Kate,

General Williams had been compelled by famine to send a flag of truce to the Russian camp, offering capitulation." Three causes seem to have led to this—the obstinacy of General ken- ravieff in maintaining the blockade in spite of the severity of the season; the slowness of Salim Pasha in moving from Erseroum upon theSoghanIn Dagh ; and lastly, but chiefly, the exhaustion of the provisions in Kara, Which had reduced the garrison to utter starvation. Omar Pasha's di- version has thus been ineffectual. Letters from his camp to the 11th November show that he was still at Sugdidi, hampered in his movelnents by a failure of land-transport. But it was anticipated in the camp that the army would march on the 12th. Prince Bagralion, who commanded on the Ingour, had retreated upon the river Tiara. The Turks both at Redout Kaleh and St. Nicolas were in movement for the interior ; but made little way, as the enemy resisted their advances. Prince Bebutoff was at Itutais. It was expected that he would not await but meet the advance of Omar Pasha.

Doubt is thrown on the reported fall of Kars; because a telegraphic message from Vienna, dated Thursday, says—" Nothing is known here in official circles of the fall of Kars." But we must remember that this is only a negative, whereas the paragraph from the Morning Post is a positive statement.

Genmeser.—Vienna seems the focus of diplomatic activity and expecta- tion. Sir Hamilton Seymour has dined with Count Buie, but that is a matter of course. The quidnuncs are shocked that he should dine also With Prince Nicholas Esterhazy, a knows Russian partisan. Count Stackelberg, military attache of the Russian Embassy at Vienna, was sent some time ago by his chief to St. Petersburg. His departure Cana tided with the renewal of the rumours about negotiations for peace. He has not returned; and diplomatic Vienna is on the tiptoe of =lions curiosity. Despatches favourable to peace had been, it is said, brought from Paris to Vienna. Bavaria and Saxotly have represented to the Czar that they should like to see a peace based on the four points. Such are the rumours of the hour.

The political and financial proceedings of Austria indicate anything but war. These facts are published as authentic. *" The budget of the War Department, which last year was nearly 200,000,000 fldrins, has, by the special order of his Majesty, been reduced to 120,000,000 florins, which is quite as much as Austria can afford to expend for warlike pur- poses. The whole army, including the corps in the Danubian Principalities, is to be put on a peace footing, but it deist be repeated, that the necessary arrangements have been made for placing the army on a full war footing within five or six weeks. Every man who receives leave of idelenoe will be bound to report himself at certain intervals to the chief of the district, and cavalry-horses will only be sold on certain conditions to the great landed proprietors and peasants."

Large quatitities of goods contraband of war have recently been sent to Hamburg for transmission by the Prussian railroad to Russia. Within ten days no fewer than nine vessels arrived at the port, five laden with sulphut, four with saltpetre. It is conjectured that the sulphur is packed in old sugar-casks and forwarded mixed up with real casks of sugar. It is no secret at Hamburg that the purchasers are Russian agents. Colonel Hodges, the British Consul, has strongly protested against the laxity with which the Hamburg Government observes the laws of neutrality.

RI:sm.—The intelligence respecting the state of Russia is very inte- resting. A new loan of 8,000,0001. has been issued at 82, (one acodolit days 86,) bearing 6 per cent interest. One-third part of the loan was to be issued at Hamburg, another at Amsterdam, and the remaining third at Berlin. The house of Mendelssohn at Berlin opened subscriptions for it on Wednesday, "with but little success." The Dutch transaction will it is supposed, be a covert affair ; and Russian stock issued since the war is not negotiable there.

It is stated that a monetary panic has commenced in Russia. "At Moscow, Nishni Novgorod, Astrakan, and other places, bank-notes are refused. People are hiding money. In order to facilitate the payments of the Treasury and the Imperial Banks of Russia, the proportion 'of bullion in relation to bank-notes is to be diminished. The payment of the inte- rest on the National Debt, may, it is feared, be stopped."

Meanwhile, the Russian Government continues its military prepara- tions. Every exertion is made to construct a fleet of steam gun-boats. Engineers are busy over plans for the fortification of Moscow and St. Petersburg ; General Dehn is intrusted with the latter, General Todtle- ben with the former. Detachments of militia continue marching to the South. The Rano-German journals state, that since the frost set in trains of sledges, six miles long, bearing provisions, have entered the Crimea by way of Perekop and the Isthmus of Arabat. On the other hand, the Moniteur, and a German periodical of good re- putation, the Ausland contain articles dwelling on the distressed condi- tion of Russia,—the failure of her crops, the great consumption of men, the ruin of capitalists and landed proprietors. According to the Russian tables of population, there has been no increase since 1851. The excess of females, always great in Russia, is now more remarkable than ever.

Tan BALTIC.—The last of the Baltic squadron are steaming homeward. Fifteen steam-frigates passed Elsinore on Wednesday. Not a single Bri- tish man-of-war now remains in the Baltic. The Russians seem to have made the most of their absence. Ten newly-built steam gun-boats, ac- companied by a steam frigate, had arrived at Ifelsingfors from. Cronstadt, and anchored in the inner port, inside Sweaborg. The gun-boats were built this summer at Cronstadt, and the engines made at the Imperial factory near St. Petersburg. It is still repeated in many quarter!, that the result of General Oanro- bert's mission was an understanding that the Scandinavian Polvers will lend military aid to the Western Powers should peace net be conoluded be- fore the spring. A letter from Stockholm in the .Austrian Gazette fixed the Swedish contingent at 60,000. SPAIN.—On the ground that Marshal O'Donnell "does not march in the path of progress," Senor Orense recently moved a vote of censure on him in the Cortes. The Marshal replied by sketching his own career. During the eleven years that the Moderate party were in power, he took no part in active polities. Id 1848, he was eppointed Governor-General of Cubs, and remained there five years. When he returned, he was ap- pointed Direebei of Infantry, and then contemptuously dismissed, because he opposed "favouritism." In the Senate he supported the Opposition, and took the initiative in the with Thal destroyed the San Luis Ministry.

Up to that day he had never conspired ; but then, all legal means being impossible, he resolved to change the face of things by a revolution.

" I will not recount the life I led for the period of six months. It is known that I remained shut up in a room five yards long, with the firm determina- tion to remain there not six months but six years—until I had either realized my projects, or been made prisoner, or exiled, not to say shot. Some illus- trious Generals aided my enterprise. The 28th of June arrived ; and every one knows that on the Guards parade we cried' Liberty !' " The good of his country required that he should serve under the Duke of Victory, and under no other man would he have served. A vote of confidence in O'Donnell was moved, and carried by 110 to 6 votes, and the vote of censure negatived almost unanimously.

UNITED STATES. —The Pacific arrived at Liverpool on Sunday from New York, bringing advices to the 27th November. The next mail-boat will bring the President's message.

The Washington Union prints the following account of recent inter- views between Mr. Buchanan and Lord Clarendon, which it professes to have derived from the Department of State. " In consequence of the publications in the London journals of the 23d, 24th, and 25th of October, Mr. Buchanan requested an interview with Lord Clarendon, for the purpose of asking explanations on the subject. They held two interviews—one on the 29th of October, and the other on the 1st of No- vember. At these interviews, Lord Clarendon declared that the proposed naval expedition originated in no purpose unfriendly to the United States ; that its object was a defensive one—to protect British commerce against Russian pnvateets, three or four of which were said to be fitting out in New York, and one of which was nearly ready for sea ; that this particular one was a large and fast vessel, specially intended to intercept British ships from Australia, conveying gold to England, with purpose, in the first instance, to capture one of the Cunard steamers ; and, in justification of the general state- ment, he referred expressly to the case of the barque Maury, as represented in affidavits communicated by Mr. Barclay, the British Consul at New York, to Mr. Crampton, and by the latter transmitted to his Government, and at the same time laid before the Government of the United States. We have already stated that the investigation instigated by Mr. Barclay resulted in showing clearly that there was no truth in his allegations against the barque Maury."

The Conservative views of Mr. Marcy are said to be supported by the country. One fact stands out conspicuously—there has been no real response in the New York stock market to the English apprehensions of a rupture.