The little town of Siedlce, in Poland, has been the
scene of a pogrom. of the most inhuman kind. The population of the place is some twenty-eight thousand, of whom twelve thousand are Jews. Rioting began last Saturday, and according to the recognised procedure, the troops interfered to quell it, and for several days massacred and looted to their hearts' content. Several hundred were killed and wounded, and the town bears the appearance of a place that has been sacked. The facts of the case are given fully in Thursday's Times, and leave no doubt as to the nature of the incident. The Vice-Governor baying fallen ill, the chief of the city military police took his place last week, and at once the rumour of a Jewish massacre arose. Certain Jews refused to be blackmailed for police pro- tection, and this started the massacre. It is worth noting that the regiment guilty of these barbarities was the Libau regiment, the same which distinguished itself at Bialystok. The fact that these troops were sent to replace another regiment just before the massacre has an ugly air of high official prearrangement.