15 SEPTEMBER 1906, page 13

Poor Law Expenditure.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sin,—With regard to your criticism in the Spectator of September 1st of my letters to the Times, I would be much obliged if you could permit......

The Late Lord Lovelace.

LTO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOIt.”_1 Sru,—May I say a few words about the bearer of a dis- tinguished name,—Ralph Gordon Noel Milbanke, second Earl of Lovelace, who died very......

Pan-germanism, Holland, And Belgium.

[To THE EDITOR 05 TRH "SPECTATOft."] SIR,—Would you allow me to express the feelings of a German reading the leading article about "Pan-Germanism, Holland, and Belgium" in the......