The Packers And The People. By J. Ogden Armour. (t.
Werner Laurie. 6s. net.)—Mr. Armour, who, we allow, has every right to be heard, defends the packers. All that has been said against them is, he tells us, the expression of......
The Book Of Simple Delights. By Walter Raymond. (hodder And
Stoughton. 6s.)—This volume consists of papers de rebus rusticis contributed to various periodicals and newspapers, and now collected and furnished with a slender connexion of......
The Country Press (19 Ball Street, Kensington) Publishes...
of interesting picture postcards of British Grasses. Twenty- five species are represented with magnified fructification, habitats, and time of flowering. We are glad to see this......
Memorials Of Old Somerset. Edited By F. J. Snell. (bemrose
and Sons. 15s.)—Mr. Snell has been assisted by a company of efficient writers. He gives in his introductory chapter a sketch of the county history. Somersetshire may claim to be......
The Education Bill : Speech Of The Bishop Of 1tereford
in the House of Lords. (Strangeways and Sons. ld.)—We are glad to see that the Bishop of Hereford's speech on the second reading of the Education Bill in the House of Lords has......
The Problem Of Poverty And How To Deal With It.
By the late Samuel Soutar. (Waterlow and Sons. 1d.)—Mr. Soutar's criticism of present arrangements will meet with more approval than will be accorded to his proposals. These......
A Late Eighth Century Latin - Anglo - Saxon Glossary....
Ilessels, M.A. (Cambridge University Press. 10s. net.)—Mr. Hessels published in 1890 an edition of a similar Glossary which is preserved in the library of Corpus Christi......
Notes By A Nomad. By W. A. Horn. (melville And
Millen. 5s. net.)—The " Nomad " has wandered in New Zealand, in Australia, and in Egypt. He is a quite unconventional person ; he has considerable powers of observation, and......
In " Hutchinson's Popular Classics" (hutchinson And Co.,...
is. 6d. net per vol.) we have The Satires and Epistles of Horace, Translated by Philip Francis ; The Christian Year, by John Keble,—a table of dates of Keble's life has been......