On Friday And Saturday Of Last Week The German Emperor
delivered in Silesia three speeches of a somewhat flamboyant type on the future of Germany. In the first he eulogised the Army, and recalled the fact that a hundred years had......
The Little Town Of Siedlce, In Poland, Has Been The
scene of a pogrom. of the most inhuman kind. The population of the place is some twenty-eight thousand, of whom twelve thousand are Jews. Rioting began last Saturday, and......
The Times Of Tuesday Summarised A Remarkable Letter...
the Siecie by a German Professor who visited England along with the deputation of journalists in June. The writer gives this country no credit for disinterested hospitality.......
Last Saturday Father Francis Xavier Wemz, A German...
elected General of the Society of Jesus by a majority of seventy-one votes. The new General was born in Wiirtemberg in 1842, is a distinguished authority on canon law, and is......
We Cannot But Regret That The Newspapers Should Give So
much prominence to the agitation that is now going on in Bengal. No doubt that agitation should be carefully watched, and, we presume, is being watched, by the India Office ;......
News Ob The Week.
T HE latest news from Cuba points to events of far- reaching importance. President Palma still declares that he can subdue the rising, but so far his optimism has received......