1T9 THE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR...] SrR,—As Canon MacColl cannot for the moment verify his references, he will be glad to see the following extracts from the Statute 35 Henry VIII., c.5 (the spelling is modernised):— " The parties being condemned of any offence contained or mentioned in the said former Act of Six Articles shall suffer all such imprisonment, losses, and pains of Death as they should have or ought to have done before the making of the present Act." And again :—" The said former Act con- taining the said Six Articles, and every other Act touching the same and all Articles, clauses, and sentences in them
shall stand and abide in all its or their full strength, effect, and virtue."—I am, Sir, &c.,
or the sake of accuracy, we place on record the actual words of the statute, but we cannot publish any more letters on this subject—En. Spectator.]