Though it militates so strongly against its demand for a
Protective tariff as necessary to preserve British trade and commerce, we note that the Daily Mail has the candour to admit that the condition of the home trade is at the present Moment most flourishing. In an article which is given a place of prominence in Friday's issue the Daily Mail declares that "a great wave of industrial prosperity unparalleled in some trades in the past twenty or thirty years is at present passing over England." Sheffield is busier than at any time since the Franco-German War, and. from Sunderland, Nottingham, azad the Lancashire towns come reports of great prosperity. At Coventry there are said to be five thousand more male workers at work than there were this time last year. And yet Mr. Chamberlain and the Tariff Reformers during the last three years have been beating their breasts and strewing ashes on their hair, and swearing by all their gods that British industry was dying and could never recover without protection from the unfair competition of the foreigner !