Canada The new Prime Minister of Canada submitted his
Cabinet to the Governor-General last week, and the Ministers were sworn in -Without delay. His choice and allocation. of the -Ministeir- have been well -received: Many British will be glad to see that their old friend Sir George PerIcy becomes a Minister again, although he has no portfolio. By far the most interesting feature to us is the inclusion in a Conservative Government of three French Canadians (with two other Roman Catholics) among the live representatives from the Province of Quebec who take office. Seven representatives from Ontario are included. Mr. Bennett is praised for having " balanced " his Cabinet well, but the balance must be experimental, for it is a new thing for this generation of the Conservative Party. There are districts of Canada which are sternly Protestant, coming of Presbyterian traditions, and they have been Conservative strongholds. We hope that no unhappy divisions will arise inside the Cabinet in this sphere, but rather that feeling outside will be softened by the sight of patriotic collaboration in secular affairs and even in religious education.
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