16 AUGUST 1930, page 21

The Increasing Number Of Books On Separate English Towns Or

districts suggests the growth of a wholesome reaction against the standardizing influences which, during the present century, have threatened local patriotism and local......

Translated By Mr. Felix W. Crosse From The French Of

M. Pierre d'Exideuil, The Iluntan Pair in the Work of Thomas Hardy (Humphrey Toulmin, 10s. 6d.) is an essay on the sexual problem as treated in the Wessex novels and poems. The......


Some Books Of The Week

To be born a. Syrian Christian, to work as a journalist and to become an ardent advocate of Arabian Nationalism are evidence of Mr. AmeenRihani's versatility. His earlier works......

It Is The Fashion In Some Quarters To Regard The

essays of Mr. James Douglas as of little worth, just as, to the " high- brows " of a previous generation, the writings of the late A. C. Benson seemed thin and jejune. But......

Just At This Moment The British Public Takes A Specially

keen pleasure in knowing what foreigners think of it. The feeling denotes a certain self-consciousness, but if we do not insist upon flattery it is not an unhealthy feeling. Dr.......

Merely To Indicate The Nature And Nexus Of The Argument

and the points of attack in the late Major-General Mahon's The Tragedy of Kirk o'Field (Cambridge University Press, 16s.) would, to do them justice, claim a review several......

A New Competition

TnL•' Editor offers a prize of two guineas for the best original Safety Jingle for Motorists. An example of the sort of thing suggested is the Seaman's Rule of the Road :— "......