16 AUGUST 1930, page 20

[to The Editor Of The Spectator.]

Sui,—The two articles recently published by you from the Rev. P. B. Clayton were of very great interest and freshness, especially to those who remember the writer as the genial......

Points From Letters

MOTORING OFFENCES. Every law-abiding citizen—" men of goodwill " as Mr. Baldwin would phrase it—must wish that our roads should not be fraught with such real peril, to life and......

The Swallows

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—I do not know if I am right in believing that this summer there has been an unusual scarcity of swallows or swifts over the country......

Flower And Fruit

MY soul has been a coward, —Withered at the root. How if it has not flowered Shall it bear fruit ? Now its flowering time is done, Only now I comprehend What the race I might......

Sentences On Young Offenders

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sia,—Protests have been made recently in Parliament and in the Press against certain sentences of imprisonment and birching passed on boy......

London's Gold Mine

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—As many of your readers must have been, I was very impressed by Mr. Bossom's splendid contribution on the great latent possibilities of......

A Hundred Years Ago

THE " SPECTATOR," AUGUST 14TH, 1830. A VERDICT. A Coroner's jury sat on Thursday night on the body of a young man named Knife. The jury gave the following verdict :—" That the......