16 AUGUST 1930, Page 20


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

SIR,—As many of your readers must have been, I was very impressed by Mr. Bossom's splendid contribution on the great latent possibilities of the use of our railways into London. But taking for granted the practicability and benefits of smokeless trains, and of covering in 350 acres of railway cuttings, I suggest that it is still open to question whether the potential value of the strips of land, so made available, would not be better utilized by constructing over the rails new arterial roadways into and out of the Metropolis. Would not the great traffic problem of London be largely solved by such means ?

Is not this more urgent and more vital than adding to the already heavy density of buildings and population in this area, when more adequate open spaces and easy communica- tions are so necessary ? Presumably, the Railway Companies would prefer Mr. Bossom's scheme, but in any case their interests are not paramount, and they could be compensated for being deprived of the overhead rights, although at present they make no use of them. Of course, his proposals for dealing with the slum problem- by these means are very attractive, and to some extent, no doubt, the two schemes could go hand in hand.--I am, Sir, &c.,