16 AUGUST 1930, page 19

The Call For Economy

[To the Editor of The SPECTATOR.] Sia,—As an old-time Liberal and one who has long worked for the cause, I find no hope in Lord Grey's " Call for Economy" given in the Times of......

[to The Editor Of The Spectator.]

Sui,—The two articles recently published by you from the Rev. P. B. Clayton were of very great interest and freshness, especially to those who remember the writer as the genial......

John Bull's Mother

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sul,— Mr. Clayton's articles give voice to what so many people feel but have not the eloquence to express about the Church of England. To an......

The Planning Of Towns

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—With the passing of the two 1980 Housing Acts, the one for England and Wales and the other for Scotland, Local Authorities will now be......