The Indian scene has shifted this last week from the hartals and protests of civil disobedience in the South to the menacing North-West Frontier. The warlike Afridis have been excited by rumours that " the British are going," and also by propaganda in the form of baskets of blood-stained clothing designed to show the bloody repression of their fellow-Moslems in British India. Between five and ten thousand people, repre- senting every elan, assembled in the morning of Thursday, August 7th, at a point some fifteen miles from Peshawar
City, and, despite the warning issued by Political Officers and preliminary bombing by the R.A.F., they moved to attack Peshawar. Fierce fighting ensued, in which aeroplanes, machine-guns and British troops of some strength were engaged. The authorities arc taking every precaution, removing women by air from danger-
points ; and, from the latest news, it appears that the Afridis have been driven back without bringing about any considerable rally among the other tribes. The survey of the situation by the Government of India up to August 9th is somewhat more encouraging than recent communiques in regard to the other Provinces and the general question of confidence. The trouble and violence between Moslems and Hindus at Sukkur
have not yet subsided. * *