16 AUGUST 1930, Page 2

China The situation on the middle Yangtze appears to be

little changed since we wrote last week, though the presence of foreign warships renders foreign life and property a little safer. In view of the apparent inability of the Nanking Government to disperse the " Reds," and the failure of any agreement to do so between the generals of the North and of the South, it cannot be claimed that the reinforcements of British troops on the middle Yangtze are excessive. In spite of Chiang Kai- shek's declaration that he will be in Peking within a month, no decisive action is taken. The claims of the Soviet Press that the Red armies in China are properly organized forces, or indeed anything but bandits, appear to have little foundation. In Mongolia, according to two excellent articles which appeared in the Times recently, the scheme of military colonization which is going forward seems good evidence of the Chinese desire to consolidate China's position against Soviet Russia.