16 AUGUST 1930, Page 2

Germany and the .Peace Treaties Monday was the anniversary of

the establishment of the Weimar Constitution. All the signs confirm the conviction that Germany has settled down once and for all as a Republic. There may yet be dangerous waters for democracy and Parliamentary Government in Germany, as everywhere, but a reversion to monarchy or any Junker rule is unthinkable. The previous day was the tenth anniversary of the plebiscite in East and West Prussia, when Herr Treviranus, a retired naval officer and Minister of Occupied Territory, thought fit to speak of the " eternal unrest 1 between Germany and Poland] through an unjust frontier line," of the " unfreed brothers in the Saar, Eupcn and Malmedy," the " un- healed wound in the Eastern flank," &c., &e. Very little attention was paid to the speech in Germany, as he only expressed the popular conviction, when he spoke of Germany's " right " to a revision of her Eastern frontier. * * * *