16 AUGUST 1930, Page 28

More Books of the Week

(Continued from page 223.) The importance of the camera in ethnographic studies is becoming every year more appreciated, and it is fortunate that there is yet time for photographic records to be made of the physical and material culture of native tribes. The Carnegie Corporation of New York has by its generosity made possible the publication of The Bantu Tribes of South Africa, a series of photographic studies by A. M. Duggan- Cronin, with a slight (but adequate) preface by G. P. Lestrade (Cambridge University Press for Deighton Bell & Co., Ltd., Cambridge, and the Alexander McGregor Memorial Museum, Kimberley, 21s.). The photographs are superbly reproduced, but though individually excellent, as we should expect from Mr. Duggan-Cronin's earlier work, they are not sufficiently comprehensive to illustrate all aspects of native life. The Bechuana show most European influence in their clothing, but other tribes further removed from this influence still adhere to the more picturesque and healthy clothing of their own cultures. It is to be hoped that this series will receive sufficient support to justify its continuance and extension.

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