16 AUGUST 1930, Page 3

All lovers of animals, as well as those who eat

them, ride them, wear their wools or skins, besides those whose livelihood depends upon rearing them, must be interested in the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. Its teaching and examining has raised the standards of the " Vet." in a way comparable to the rise of Mrs. Gamp's standards to those of a Certificated Midwife. The effects of its work have spread beyond Great Britain through the Empire. The fees it receives from students are, of course, of no account when capital expenditure is needed. And this need is now upon the College whose buildings are condemned. The Council has been appealing for money and has not received nearly enough in donations. The Treasury has offered a substantial contribution, but again not nearly enough for the rebuilding. We cannot urge that we want to be taxed further to provide more help from the State : we cannot expect farmers to provide large sums to-day. But we can urge all lovers of animals, from the thorough- bred and the hunter to the lap-dog, to help the cause of veterinary science and the education of surgeons. A good start has been given to a fresh appeal by us great lover of horses, Sir Edward Stern. The Camden Town site has obvious advantages offered by London, but it might be cheaper to make a fresh start in an agricultural centre, in Cambridge, for instance, where the Colleg.; could share in research work of kindred institutions.