16 FEBRUARY 1924, Page 10

As Mr. Miller's remarks appear to be primarily addressed to

myself, let me assure him on one point. No English- man of average intelligence has the slightest desire to minimize the patriotic achievements of any American. All we desire is that history in every part of the English- speaking world should be confined to facts, as far as that is possible, and not used as a means of stirring up friction against any people. It is curious that so many people who are hyper-sensitive on the subject of school history text-books in America hail from the "Emerald Isle." They are the kind of persons who believe that a preponderating part of the success of the American Revolution was due to Irishmen and other non-British stocks. No doubt Mr. Miller would like the fact that 90 per cent. of the inhabitants of the United States in 1790 were of British birth or descent—and by British I exclude Ireland—deleted from American text-books.

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