So Often We In Europe Regard America As Consisting Of
none but the two or three million well-informed Americans who frequently visit Europe, and we are apt to accept the views of leading Eastern papers such as the New York Times,......
The Theatre.
"THE WAY OF THE WORLD" (LYRIC THEATRE, HAMMERSMITH). CONGREVE'S Way of the World is apt to strike a modern audience, as do so many Restoration comedies, as a play of reaction.......
It Is Not Often That The Union House Of Assembly
in South Afiica listens to a commendation of General Smuts from General Hertzog, and yet this is what happened Last week when the Nationalist leader informed General Smuts that......
It Was An Historic Occasion When The Federal Cabinet Of
the Commonwealth of Australia held its first meeting at Canberra, the new capital of Australia. As the Government buildings are not yet complete, Ministers met in an old and......
Tins Comedy, Which Is An Italian " High-life " Version
ol The Playboy of the Western World, is perhaps the best acted, best produced, and most amusing play of the new season. It is entirely - unpretentious, and Messrs. C. B. Fernald......
As Mr. Miller's Remarks Appear To Be Primarily Addressed To
myself, let me assure him on one point. No English- man of average intelligence has the slightest desire to minimize the patriotic achievements of any American. All we desire is......
Mr. Charles Grant Miller, The Arch-enemy Of All Those Ideals
implied in the heading of these weekly notes, "English-Speaking World," for which the Spectator has so consistently worked, is continuing the campaign of friction-mongering in......
Progress Will Inevitably Be Slow, But With The Passing Of
the years an ever-increasing number of persons are learning to appreciate what a wonderful cause that of English- speaking co-operation is. The realization that sooner or later......