The Intense Dissatisfaction Of The Lancashire Unionists...
of the recent General Election was expressed at Manchester last Saturday at a large meeting of Lancashire and Cheshire delegates, presided over by Lord Derby. The meeting......
The Employers On Monday Quoted Figures To Show That The
Port of London Authority's permanent men had earned on piece-work during the last three months of 1928 an average of £4 10s. 5d. a week, of which 12s. 5d. was represented by......
Mr. Baldwin Went On To Declare That In Order To
fight unemployment Unionists must be able to safeguard the country against unfair competition by utilizing such powers as those provided bythe Safeguardingof Industries Act--an......
The Whole Problem Of The National Debt Would Be Very
seriously considered because the Debt caused a high cost of production. The Unemployed Grants Committee would be encouraged to continue its work. He saw openings especially for......
In The Continued Debate, On Wednesday, Mr. Baldwin Was In
very happy form, and chaffed Mr. MacDonald on the vast discrepancy between good intentions and hard realities. The surprise of the debate came from Mr. Asquith, who evidently......
On Monday The Meeting Of The National Unionist...
held in London at the Hotel Cecil. The result of the meeting was just -what had been expected, and what we had feared. Mr. Baldwin was unanimously reappointed leader of the......
In Dealing With Foreign Affairs, Mr. Macdonald Declared...
had nothing to fear. Reparations and the question of the Ruhr must be considered from the point of view not of France alone, but from that of Great Britain and the whole of......
The Dockers' Dispute Did Not Take The Favourable Turn On
Monday which had been hoped for. At a Con- ference between the employers and the Unions a half-way offer by the employers was rejected. The same night, however, the Ministry of......