16th, 17th, 18th, 19th Battalions, The Manchester...
Hughes. 7s. 6d. net.) This is an excellent record of the four" City" battalions raised in Manchester within the first month of the War. Formed of the admirable material which......
The Empire Review.
Mr. J. H. Thomas, in his article "Labour's Opportunity in Office," is careful to point out that the opinions are his own and in no way bind his party. "Labour," he says, "is......
Berry: The Heart Of France. By Percy Allen. (francis...
12s. 6d.) A rambling and pleasant account of many sojourns in the heart of France. As a guide-book it would prove invaluable. The author's romantic antiquarianism, love of art......
Sir Henry Lunn's Review Of The Churches Promises Well. An
independent record of the events which take place in and tht movements which influence these bodies is a real need. Party organs there are in plenty ; rational criticism and......
The Call Of The Mountains. By Le Roy Jeffers. (t.
Fisher Unwin. las. net.) There ate many things to recommend this book, even to those who are not expert mountaineers. Mr. Jeffers has the simple faith that made high places......
The Adelphi.
The interest of this number is confined to three items. Mr. Murry justifies his exhumation of Katherine Mansfield's unpublished manuscripts by giving us a short story which is......
Shorter Notices.
Mr. Walker, it appears from his explanation, is preparing a catalogue and bibliography of Aubrey Beardsley. The pre- sent volume is a preparatory supplement to compete "with an......
Finance-public & Private.
[BY OUR CITY EDITOR.] JAPAN AS A BORROWER. [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR, — There are one or two reasons why it would be unwise to over-emphasize the dullness of the......