Dear Mr. Strachey,—I am sure readers of the Spectator will remember the article you wrote last spring on the Portmadoc Players, and I expect many will have seen the very flattering letter you wrote about us recently to the Times. In your original article you said that you hoped the Portmadoc Players would some day be seen in London, and I am glad to be able to say that we are giving a matinee on Tuesday, February 26th, of the three plays you saw at Portmadoc last spring. This matinee- is the immediate outcome of a visit of Mr. Nigel-Playfair's to Portmadoc, when he offered us the use of the Lyric Theatre, Hammersmith. But we feel that it is really in large measure due to the kind interest which you have taken in our venture.
All inquiries for further information and applications for tickets should be addressed to the Organizer, Miss Sylvia Hobday, British Drama League, 10 King Street, Covent Garden, W.C. 2.
Yours sincerely, RICHARD HUGHES.