• [To the Editor-of the SPECTATOR.]
Sin,—The cordial reception which has been given to the Fellowship of the British Empire Exhibition shows that a great field of Imperial enthusiasm has been opened by it. Of this the fullest advantage should be taken. Suggestions have already been put forward to make the Fellowship a permanent organization. All who have the interests of the Empire at heart will welcome the proposal. The practical question remains—can it be done ? To found a new organ- ization for the purpose of carrying out the work of the Fellowship of the British Empire Exhibition would be to ignore the many excellent Empire Societies already in exist- ence. I suggest, therefore, that when the Exhibition doses, the Fellowship should be affiliated with one of the established organizations. Such an arrangement would give the desired permanence to the Fellowship of the British Empire Exhibition, develop the good work which it is bound to accomplish during 1024, and provide its members with a rallying point at the centre of the Empire. The joint body could be made a real clearing house for all correspondence dealing with questions of inter-Empire co-operation and trade expansion, it could extend hospitality on a larger scale to visitors from Overseas, and form an arena for debates and lectures on all those subjects which affect the interests of the British Common- wealth of Nations.
Even at this early stage of its development it is possible to forecast a very wide sphere of usefulness for the Fellowship of the British Empire Exhibition. The important part it can play through its scholarships in extending a real know- ledge of the Empire will become more and more insistent as
he opening of the Exhibition draws nearer.—I am, Sir, &c., HARRY Barrram.
House of Commons.
[We are greatly interested in Sir Harry Brittain's suggestions and sincerely hope that this Imperial Fellowship may become a permanent institution.—ED. Spectator.]