On Tuesday the lid of the sarcophagus of Tut-ankh- Amen
was lifted. The coffin, which is of anthropoid form, was then revealed. It is of great size and is made of wood and gesso gilt. The head, is of pure gold with eyes of crystal and is moulded in the likeness of the king ; so that the spectators, looking upon the man- shaped coffin which covers the mununy, felt that they were looking upon a human figure. The hands are crossed on the breast, the right holding a flail and the left a sceptre. On each side is the figure of a goddess with outstretched arms and wings crossing over the body. "The coffin," says the Times correspondent, "is a perfectly magnificent sight, far excelling any other known." A most regrettable incident has followed. Mr. Carter, owing to what he describes as "restrictions and discourtesies" on the part of the Egyptian Public Works Department, has felt obliged to suspend work at the tomb.
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