An exceptionally interesting debate concerning India's future position took place
in the Legislative Assembly at Delhi last week. Mr. Rangachariar, moderate, advocated the, appointment of a Royal Commission for the revision of the Government of India Act in order to secure for India full self-governing Dominion status within the Empire and full provincial autonomy. The most important amendment was moved by the leader of the Swarajist parliamentary party, Mr. Motilal Nehru. His recornmenda- - tions were : the immediate revision of the Government of India Act with a view to establishing full responsible government for India ; the early summoning of a round- table conference to recommend, with due regard to the protection of the rights and interests of the minority, a constitution for India and the dissolving of the central legislature and the placing of the said scheme before the newly-elected Indian legislature for approval and then its submission to the British Parliament to be embodied in a statute. The speech of the Swarajist leader was, according to the Times Delhi correspondent, far more conciliatory than had been anticipated.
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