The 'Rouge of Commons has been making progrero: towards - the
'report stage' of the Vocal 'GO%-ermnent Bills for England and Scotland. Working to a time-table upOn... intricate -'lulls, the House gotrthiough 'Mich drudgery in the past w.eek. It has, however, be'in lively at question time; when the difficulties at theNine Mile Point Colliery,' • the administration of -Mathe Lord yer's Relief Fund and the rioting at Bombay provided some excitement. On Monday insCe_ limittee of Supply there was a long debate on- migration andthe transference of labour. It only proved the obvious, namely, that no one has any hope Of wiping out the tale of a million unemployed by some new scheme that will please everyone concerned. There Was 'some unhelpful cavilling from Labour members ; others, notably Mr. Shaw, were reasonable, if not inventive.