The Disorder In Colombo, Mainly Directed Against The...
has subsided, but the trouble in Bombay has been more serious. The riots there in which 116 perSona have been killed and some 700 injured are an object lesson of what would......
This Week, When The Spectator Closes Its Fund For Aberdare,
with pride and gratitude: to those who have so generously supported it, we are not going to judge elsewhere between the managers, the Miners' Federation or the Industrial Union.......
On Tuesday The Bill Of The' Corporation Of I.ondon To
extend the time. for the building of the proposed St. Paul's _Bridge was _ defeated. That. veteran Londoner, Sir William Bull, Sir.Mar tin Conway, a true . connoisseur, and Lord......
The Disturbance Of Our Old Two Party System Is Being
illustrated in the by-eleetions; In Lord Howe's old seat, South Battersea, the Labour candidate, Mr. Bennett, won the seat by a majority of 576 over the Unionist, from whom, if......
The Trade Returns For. January Are Satisfactory In So Far
as they show increases in the totals of imports and eXports. The higher increase .. is* in import's, and Puts' the balance more against us. However, the imports include......
On Tuesday Also An Announcement Was Made In The Lower
Honk; on behalf of the TreaSury, Which gives us great satisfaction. An agreement has been reached with the Free State GoVernment upon the question raised by the action brought......
The Chamber Of Princes Has*openecl Its Session In The...
Building in NeW Delhi, and declared the British . connexion . to be - the esSential_ condition of any readjustments in _India. The relatiOns of the princes, who ride more than a......
The 'rouge Of Commons Has Been Making Progrero: Towards -...
'report stage' of the Vocal 'GO%-ermnent Bills for England and Scotland. Working to a time-table upOn . .. intricate - 'lulls, the House got rthiough 'Mich drudgery in the past......