The Leading Civilized Country In The World - [to The
Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—In your issue 'of January 26th " Inquirer " is surely wrong, in• supposing iilOw status - of m'oinen- in - France. The very contrary is the case.......
The - Behaviour Of Theatregoers [to The Editor Of The...
SIR, - There is one remedy against these "grossly ill-man- nered" peOjile. think it Would prOve'very effective, the Only difficulty being that possibly some Managers might......
The New {parliament Building, Belfast [to The Editor Of The
SPECTATOR.] Sia,-My attention has been drawn to the statement in your issue of February 2nd that the late Mr. Ralph Knott, prepared a design for the above building, and the :......
Ponsas From Letters A Dog Story.
An episode occurred in Southsea lately which may interest some of your readers. My wife's aunt died, aged seventy- seven, and all her life was a devoted dog-lover, the " black......
. Our - Aberdare Fund-. .
LII. 2 1i :Ids. Ild. The following' list represents subScriptionO the SPECTATOR Aberdare' Fund received up to the "first post on 'Tuesday, February' 12th, 1829: R. Fulton......