An episode occurred in Southsea lately which may interest some of your readers. My wife's aunt died, aged seventy- seven, and all her life was a devoted dog-lover, the " black and tan " variety being her special favourites. She had several during her lifetime. The day before she 'dead, when she was unconscious nearly all the time, a " black and tan " sat down on the pavement outside her house and howled piteously all the morning. This dog was a stranger and was the only one of about a dozen local dogs who seemed to scent any trouble. Neither the owners of the house where the old lady lived, nor my wife, had ever seen the dog before. My own " black and •tan " was a great 'favourite there; but shcivied no signs of knowledge or distress.-R-..NOEL WHYTE, Tower House, Southsea.
I notice Sir W. Beach Thomas's notes on " Rare Vegetables," in your issue of February...9th, and think that_ ." Celeriac," or turnip-rooted cant, might be included, as it seems so little known in England. It is a delicious vegetable and useful for manyfilisheS; 'simply boiled as a vegetable, in a little stock for preference, then for stews, soups, salads. It is easily grown in good light soil, and should be grown in everybody's garden. When grown to-s good-size, it makes a-very good dish, hollowed -out and filled- with forced -meat.--A CONSTANT READER. •
A pRxrith AcAliziT'int Zoo..
In your protest against the cruelty of maltmg wild animals " Perform, 'you should be supported to 'the limit. Speaking as "one'crying-in-the wilderness; I call, it -cruel even to' cage a wild animal; and where caging is a:sine•qua non I would demolish and abolish all " Zoos." What goodslo they do ? I askedthat question. as a child, and . as, an old man I still ask E. LLOYD, Aptirtado 34 Bis, City of Mexico,
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A BIBLICAL ERROR.- • •• 'The writer Of the amusing 'article "'On Grand Hotels " in the'Spectator-this week has surely made. a slight-raistake.in speaking of the wonderful roll call in St. Paul ot." Parthians and Modes, The ,author. of ,the..,list.,wss St. Ltll£e, the writer of The Acts. of the Apostles, where the list occurs in chapter ii. vv. 9 and TolloWing.=A:13: STEVEI5Sok,-Iainions- thorpe Rectory; Holt 'NOrfolk,'