16 FEBRUARY 1929, page 16

Turkey To-day And To-morrow

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—The interesting article by Mr. F. Yeats;Brown in your issue of February 2nd, comes at an opportune moment to counteract the glowing......

Letters To The Editor

OUR ABERDARE FUND [To the Edam- of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—I am in receipt of your letter with the gratifying news that you have passed the £10,000 mark for your Aberdare Fund.......

Scrutamini Scripturas [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]

Sin,—The Spectator of December 29th has only just reached me while travelling. As not myself a Romanist, may I say how greatly I had wished to see expressed in your columns......

The Marking Of E:;gs -

[To the Editor of the Srnc-rAzon.] Sin, The practice of mixing foreign eggs with English fresh eggs for sale has of late years become a scandal so widespread that I have heard......