Letters to the Editor
[To the Edam- of the SPECTATOR.]
Sin,—I am in receipt of your letter with the gratifying news that you have passed the £10,000 mark for your Aberdare Fund. This is a remarkable achievement in less than two months, and I should like to congratulate you and your readers on the splendid success of your efforts.
Words fail to express our appreciation of your great kindness and of the whole-hearted way in which the Spectator has thrown itself into the effort to, assist the district. I am sure it is a matter of gratification to you that your readers have responded so nobly.
I am glad to be able to state that there has been a distinct move forward in the coal trade during the past week or so. A colliery, normally employing about 1,200 men which closed down last July, opened yesterday with about 400 men. If the improvement continues this number will, of course, be greatly increased. Another small colliery, normally employing about 250 men, is opening to-day, and additional men are being taken on at collieries which have not been working at their full strength. There are strong rumours in the town that other collieries will reopen shortly, but we have no definite news so far.
- We still have queues of men at the Town Hall applying for boots in order that they may take up work offered to them. There is every prospect of a substantial reduction in the number of unemployed men by the end, of this week, but we shall still have over 8,000 unemployed men.—I am, Sir, &c., T. BOTITNG