On Tuesday also an announcement was made in the Lower
Honk; on behalf of the TreaSury, Which gives us great satisfaction. An agreement has been reached with the Free State GoVernment upon the question raised by the action brought by Mr. Wigg and Mr. Cochrane against the Free State Government, on behalf of them- -selves *and other former CiVil Servants. The terms of the agreement will not be announced until the Dublin Parliament sits, hit they were stated to. be satisfaCtory to the Civil Seriants. (Whether the British taxpayer will be called upon to satisfy them we do not know.) It will be rernembered that the case came twice before the Judicial Corninittee of the Privy Council, before and after Lord CaVe's death. After the first decision in favonr of the elairriants we were horrified. by the defiance of the Committee; bombastically expressed by an b. . Iria Minister, and still more by the apparent tame acquiescence of the Dominions Minister here. That Mr. Amery, who professes strong Imperial sentiment, should have been willing for one --moment to flout the Committee, the very keystone of the arch of Law and Justice throughOut . . . the Empire, was nothing less than' shocking.. We are glad if, as appears, the. Treasury took, the matter out of his hands.. * *