. The student of Japanese affairs will find much to
interest him in Japan under Taisho Tenno, 1912-1926, by Mr. 4. !Morgan Young, the editor of the Japan Chronicle , (Allen and Unwin, 12s. 6d.). The late Emperor's reign brought great changes to Japan and left her recognized as one of the world Powers, but the advance -in wealth and prestige had-its less favourable side. Mr. Young is a commendably dis- paisionate chronicler as a rule, but he has some hard things to say about the Allied intervention in Siberia in and after '1918, and about the strikes and political scandals that occurred 'after the War. He notes the readiness of some Japaneie -politicians to stir up ill:feeling against England so that Japanese trade in China might profit. The wiser heads at .Tokio, we may be sure, regret such propaganda, since slapan _dare not remain isolated in her China policy.