A Library List
BIoC,H.APnlr :-Remembered Yesterdays. By Sir S. D. Ban- daranaike. (John Murray. 15s.)-Pius X. By Rene • Bazin. (Sands. 6s.)---Confucius and his Quest. By
• -. -Maurice Magre. ..(Thornton Butterworth. 5s.)-John
Wesley. By Arnold Lunn. (Cassells. 7s. 6d.) More - -Candid -Chronicles. By H. - Charleswosth: - (Macmillan. 17s.)--John Cameron's Odyssey. By Andrew Farrell. (Macmillan. 18s.) .Raumpis :-7-Newinan's Apologetic. By J. D. Folghera. (Sands. Ss.)-LPreiyerlor all Times By Pierre Charles, S3. (Sands. 5s.)-Jesus of Nazareth. By Dr. Charles Gore. (Thornton ' Blitterworth. 2s. 6d.)-The Bible in the Light of To-day. Modernism : And What it Did for Me. By " The Enquiring Layman." (Newnes. 2s. 6d. each.) -MisagmusEous :-The Mythology of Reparations. By. R. C. , Long. (Duckworth. 6s.)-Eagles, Black and White By Augur. (Appleton. 5s.) Fishing Ways and Wiles.
By Major H. E. Morritt. (Methuen. 6s.) Trails of ' the Hunted. By J. L. Clark. (Chatto and Windus.
HISTORY :-A History of the English Bar and Attornatus to 1450. By H. Cohen. (Sweet and Maxwell. 80s.) ' - Industrial -Efficiency and Social Economy. -By N:
Senior. (King. 2 Vols. . 32s.) •
-kOints :--Ways of Escape. By N. Forrest (Constable.
3s. 6d.) The Slippery Ladder. By W. Pett Ridge. (Methuen. 7s. 6d.)---The Prison House._ By D. F. Gardiner. (Constable. 7s. 6d.)----7The Squire's Daughter. By F. M. Mayor. (Constable. 7S. 6d.)-Rays :of Memory. By Mann Beza. (Dent. 6s.)-The For Graces. By R. Crompton. (Hodder and Stoughton. 7s. 6d.)-Passing By and Overlooked. By Maurice Baring. New Edition. (Heinemann. 7s. 6d.)--Seven Days Whipping. By John Biggs. (Heinemann. 7s. 6d.)