Forty years ago Mr. Bromley-Davenport (than whom no
better all-round sportsman ever lived) was writing that, as Tar as big-game shooting was concerned, " Norway is used 'up already." But Mr. Frantz Rosenberg's Big Game Shooting In British Columbia and Norway (Hopkinson, 25s.) lends no _support to this gloomy dictum, for it contains some breathless descriptions of successful stalks. in Norway, after both wild 'reindeer and elk, thoUgh lie laments that " game-pieseivation
-and democracy do not go well together." The author his 'also to tell of triumphs in British Columbia over grizzly, moose and cariboo (the American representatives of the elk And reindeer), over wild sheep and the stately but stupid Rocky Mountain goat, and his experience in Canada can still be repeated by others. His photographs are particularly good, 'And the book well worth reading.