On the 12th inst., at the Hon. Robert Curzon's, tipper Brook Street, the lIon. Mrs. Et-mart!) Conzox, of a son.
On the 14th of May, at Bishop's Pen,Jamaica, the Lady of the Right Rev. the Bishop of JAMAICA, or a son. On the Iltb inst., in ciitrurd Street, the Right lion. Lady JANET WALROND, Of a
Ou the Ilth inst., in Hertford Street. May Fair, the Lady of W. BERTRAM EVANs, Esq., of a sou and heir. Ou the 1 [tit inst., at East Salton Place, Kent, the of Sir EDMUND FILMER,
Bart., of a daughter.
Olt the 1101 inst., at Ewell Grove, the Lady of THOMAS 6 La aST0NE, Esq., M.P., -.if a
son. also survived only a few hours.
On the 8111 inst., at Hill House, Tooting. Sorry, the Lady of Alderman VENABLES, of
a daughter.
On the 13111 inst., Lady MARY VYNER, of a sou. On the 14th inst., at Colman:Ad Square, the 11011. Mrs. STDerolt O. of a daughter. On the Sth inst., at Paris, Madame La FrineesSe 1,oursE DE LA TRENom,t,E. of twin daughters. This lady is the daughter of the Hon. Colonel Murray, of Frimley, near Bagsluit, and niece to the Earl of Dunmore. On the 13th inst., in Berkeley Square, the I. nay of TitomAs PEERS «viLnsiqin3, Esq.,
of a son. MARRIAGES.
On the. Stir inst., at St. George's, Hanover Square. the Rev. OFoRcE nephew of the late LietIL-Oeu. Bingham, of Bingham 's Dorsetsbire, FRANCES MARGARET I;VAM 11.1xxan, only daughter of Anthony lili,grove, Esq., of Harp Tree Court. Sonmrsetshire. On the 12t11 lust., at St. Mary's Church, Ilryanst cum Square, COLVILLE, Scots Fusilier Guards, to J1.11.!1. (idea daughter of the Lite James Ilenry Leigh, Esq. of Stoneleigh Abbey, Warwieksli:re. On the Ilthlt ult., at Pa; is. at the house of the Brit kin Ands's:A.1m, IITrrrARD OtrsE..r.ev, Esq., son of Sir W illiam Oaseley, and nephew to the Right Iron. Sir Gore Ouse- ley. Bert., to FRANCES SAit ri PLAcE. only sursiving daughter of the late William Walter Jones, Esq., of Gurrey.Carmarthensitire. On the 30th alt at Marseilles, FREDERICK II anAxn, Esq.. of that city, to ELIZA. eldest daughter of Edward i la yes. Esq.. or Sm,urna. On the 11th inst., at St. George's. II:mover :Square, Captain the Hon. Awr:ca Dux- COMBE, liana, s,Toud son of tine night Hon. Lord Fevelsham, to Dyt.r,, youngest daughter of John Wilmer Field. Esq.. of Heaton Ilan, in the calmly or York.
On the 13th inst., at his house in Hanover CLIFDEN,ill his 76th year. On the 10th inst., Sir FRANCIS Fazhi.ixa, Bart., Secretary to the General Post-office, in his 7211 year. On the 8th inst.. in Portland Place, HARRIET SELINA, last surviving daughter of William Ormsby Gore, Esq., M.P.. in her Kith year. On the 11th inst., Sosarr, daughter of Frederick Gunning, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, aged 17 months. On the 2,1 inst., at Clifton, near York. the Rev. JAMES BRiTrorr. D.D., Vicar of Hos. sail and of Acklaru, and formerly Head Master of the King's School, Durham, in Iris 7761 year. On the 19th of April, nut the Cape of Good Hope, WILY,TAM WILBERFORCE BIRD, Esq., late Comptroller of Customs, in his 78th year. On the 11th inst., ELIZARETII. Wife of Mr. George Serjeant, Newspaper Agent, of Butcher-hall Lane, in her 4..3d year.