16 JULY 1836, page 11

Mr. 111 , Gliee, In A Communication To The Standard This...

confesses that the letter ascrifled to the Pope, which excited the ladies so vehemently at Exeter Hall, is an " ingenious device " which " his learned friend " resorted to for......

Postscript •

SATURDAY NIGHT. A Cabinet Council, attended by all the Ministers, was held this afternoon at the Foreign Office.......

The Gazette Of Last Night Announces That The Reverend...

Hodgson has been appointed to the Archdeaconry of Derby, vacant by Dr. Butler ' s promotion to the see of Lichfield and Coventry. The Christian Examiner states, that one of the......

The Cathedral Dignitaries Are Alarmed At The Extensive...

posed to be conferred on the Bishops by the Bill facetiously called one of " Church Reform," and more especially with the havoc which it is proposed to make, even in their......

A Correspondent Of The Morning Chronicle, Who Has Sent His

card to that journal, and states himself to be a Durham coal-owner, denies the truth of Lord WHMINCLIFEE'S assertion that railways for the carriage of coals in Durham had not......

Mr. Spring Rice Still Refuses To Give In Addition To

the universal Stamp-office imprint of " one penny," a distinctive die for each news- paper. Why ? He has no objection to allow those who wish it to have the name of their......

Births, Marriages, And Deat1is.

BIRTHS. On the 12th inst., at the Hon. Robert Curzon's, tipper Brook Street, the lIon. Mrs. Et-mart!) Conzox, of a son. On the 14th of May, at Bishop's Pen,Jamaica, the Lady of......

Money Market.

SATURDAY, FOUR O'CLOCK. Consols for Account close a per cent. lower—the last price being 91% II. Spanish Stock is lower, but does not close at the lowest price. At one period......

The Intelligence From The Continent This Morning Is...

Hccox has sailed from Tunis with a small French squadron for Tripoli, to watch the movements of a Turkish fleet just arrived there. The Admiral has required immediate......