Consols for Account close a per cent. lower—the last price being 91% II.
Spanish Stock is lower, but does not close at the lowest price. At one period the Active Stock was as low as :391, but closes at 391 I. Portuguese Bonds are heavy ; the Three per Cents. having been at 494, and the Five per Cents. 791 ; both have improved slightly at the cline.
3 per Cent. Consols 91* ll Dutch 24 per Cents An 1 Ditto for Account 91* I French 3 per Cents - New 3* per Cent Anus 100 Mexican 5 per Cents. 331 44
India Stuck 260} Portuguese 3 per Cents. .... 50* Bank Stock 2124 Do. Regency 5 per Cent.... SO*
Exchequer Bills 9 10 Russian. I st;22. 5 per Cent... ILO* III
Belgian 5 per Cents 1034 Spanish. 193.4.5 per Cent... 391 40 Brazilian 5 per Cents 874 8 Ditto, Deferred 174 1 Danish 3 per Cents. 781 7 Ditto, Passive 121 t
The operations in the English Funds have been this week of a more impor- tant character than usual, and the price has been well maintained. It was re- ported yesterday, that the Busk Directors would determine upon augmenting the rate of discount ; but the usual weekly meeting passed without any notifi- cation of such intention. The report, however, occasioned a depression of 2s. in the premium of Exchequer Bills. The settlement of the July Account oc- curred yesterday, and was chiefly remarkable for the small supply of Stock which was on the market. The continuation or premium paid by the specu- lators, carrying over the Stock till the August Account, was only A per cent. ; which affords scarcely I per cent, interest per annum upon the moneyemployed. In the Foreign Market, Spanish Stock has experienced a decline of I per cent. The continued inaction of the armies, and the political disturbances which scent impending in various parts of the Peninsula, appear to have shaken the confidence of the holders, both here and on the Continent t and some sales which, from the limited nature of the recent transactions in these Securities, are comparatively extensive, have caused the depression just referred to] The principal of these operations have been on French and Dutch Account ; whilst some have been effected by an eminent house whose connexions are chiefly Eng- lish. The price of the Passive Stock has been improved by intelligence re- cently received from Madrid, that it is the intention of the Government to con- vert this Stock into Active at the rate of 331. 6s. 8d. per cent, ; but as the dividends of Active Stock for which it is to be exchanged will only be payable in Madrid, the improvement in the value of the Passive Stock has not been ex- tensive.
The Portuguese Securities have continued steady at the la-t quotations. So have also the Dutch and other European Continental Stocks.
The South American Securities have been neglected ; and the demand which had recently sprung up for the Greek Loans of Is:1.'i seems to have died away. In the Railway Share Market, Stephenson's Brighton have been depressed, in consequence of the decided opposition to the bill in its passage through the House of Lord, ; where its supporters did not calculate upon any impediment. The other shares are generally heavy ; the great purchases for the North of England, which gave such firmness to the various markets, having almost en- tirdy ceased.
The Consul Market is steady, and so great is the scarcity of Stock, that the price for Money and the Account is the same. Exchequer Bills are heavy ; the demand for money for commercial purposes inducing sales of this de- scription of security. In the Foreign Market, Spanish Stock has experienced a further decline, and after being 89i1, is now ::91 40. The decree for the conversion of the Passive Stock is published, but the relative values of Passive and Active Stuck have not been affected by it. The Railway Shares are quoted consider- ably lower, but the prices must he considered nominal, as scarcely any transac- tions of moment have occurred in these undertakings ; indeed, in the present state of the market, it would be impossible either to buy or sell extensively at any tiring near the current prices. The following are the quotations at which the principal varieties now stand—Birmingham 60 65 put, ; Southampton par ; Brighton (Stephenson's) 6!, 74 pm. ; Ditto (Rennie's) 1 dis. ; Ditto (Cundy's) 1 dis. ; Great Western 11 13; Greenwich 4's 51 pin. ; Blackwall par pm.; London Junction par.