The Parisian Constitutionnel Has The Following Gossip...
: a ladle over sentimental ! "Mrs. Norton, whose name has been recently mentioned in all the Conti- nental journals, has been in Paris for some days. She intends going to reside......
Electoral Registration.
THE Attorney-General's bill "for the more effectual Registration of persons entitled to vote in the Election of Members of Parlia- ment in England and Wales," still lingers in......
Cathedral Music In Danger.
AMONG all the "interests," is there none to stand up for Music, in the House of Commons ? We have read with shame and sor- row the nefarious project for abolishing Church Music,......
Strang's Germany In 1 8 3 1.
MR. STRANG ran over Germany in 1831, when its mind was alarmed by the expectation of the Cholera, and excited by the Revolution of the Barricades. Neither pestilence nor......
Spectator's Library.
TRATZI.S. Germany in 1831. By John Strang. Author of "Tales of Humour sad ROIRRISCII, from the German of Iluffinanu, Langb&iu, Lafontaine," &e. ^ Nieropolts Glee. guensis." tic.......