16 JULY 1836, page 2

The Trial Of Alibeau, Before The French Court Of Peers,

com- menced on the 8th and terminated on the 9th instant. It caused little interest in Paris. There was no crowd in or about the Court; and bad not the Prefect of Police,......

News Of The Week.

THE Irish Church Bill was passed by the House of Commons last night ; and awaits its doom from the Peers. It is not yet positively known what course the ruling majority there......

Debatrii Ant, 3rime:u.110 In Pariiantrut.

1. REFORM OF THE CHURCH. In the HOUSE OF COMMONS on Tuesday, Lord JOHN RUSSELL moved the order of the day for going into Committee on the Esta- blished Church Bill. Mr. Jolts......

The Intelligence From Spain, As Regards General Evans And...

troops, is very contradictory. On the one hand, it is said that the dissatisfaction with the Government of Spain continues ; and that officers and men are eager to return home ;......

The Sultan Has Dismissed His Reis Effendi, Whose...

Mr. CHURCHILL was made the subject of energetic, and it appears, effectual remonstrance, by Lord PONSONBY. Foreigners generally, residing at Constantinople, will be benefited by......