Mr. SPRING RICE still refuses to give in addition to
the universal Stamp-office imprint of " one penny," a distinctive die for each news- paper. Why ? He has no objection to allow those who wish it to have the name of their journal on the stamp ; but he will not compel its universal use, though an admitted preventive of frauds now prac- tised on the public. The optional use of the distinction would he no check whatever either upon those journals which should or upon those which should not employ it. Mr. SPRING RICE gives no reason for his refusal. No person connected with the newspaper business, pub- licly at least, objects to the die. There can be no honest objection to it. It injures no fair dealer, and obstructs nothing but knavery. Why then, again we ask, is so simple and plain a method of putting an end to just complaints not adopted ? There must he some reason. Mr. RICE is not an obstinate fool, acting without a motive ; and if no rea- son is avowed, it will certainly be. suspected that the real ground of opposition to the die is one that cannot for shame be mentioned.
The Stamp-duties Bill will be again in Committee on Monday ; and we hope that Mr. RICE will then have mustered courage to "stand the hazard of the die."