WE have been laughing over a long arrear of the political sketches of HD, amounting to upwards of a score. The Tory bugaboo, the mighty Dan, figures in most of them in various shapes; and it is amusing to see the multifarious metamorphoses which the features and form of Mr. O'Costweta. are made to undergo by the humorous ingenuity of the Tory limner. As the Ghost in Hamlet, Dan waves Lord Mel- bourne onward with the truncheon of Repeal : as an Irish donkey- driver, he is urging forward Lord Morpeth, on whose back sits Johnny Russell in the side-saddle of " Appropriation : " as Friar Tuck, he is carrying " Little John " over the stream of Tory opposition : as the future Lord Mayor of Dublin, he walks in procession, preceded by Lord John as usher, Lord Melbourne as sword-bearer, while Lords Mulgrave and Morpeth follow as two tall footmen : as the Irish Tutor, he is catechizing the class of little boys with mature Ministerial faces,—the Repeal rod poking out of his pocket in case of need : his head, like that of Medusa, forms the attacking front of a battering- ram which the Ministerial phalanx are feebly directing against the door of the House of Lords, whilst Wellington and Lyndhurst from above bid them defiance: as the great Boa of a knot of Radical snakes, he has coiled himself round Lord John Russell—Lord John, Mr. Spring Rice, and Lord Morpeth being represented as serpent-charmers—and with forked tongue and deadly gaze is fascinating the Ministerial leader : as an Organ-grinder, with Mr. flume as his dog holding the begging-pan, he parades the Dublin Election Petition, and mutely ap- peals to the pockets of the passengers : and last, as himself—a capital likeness—be is passing by poor Mr. Whittle Harvey, who is standing, broom in hand, ragged and hungry, with a placard before him de- noting an ex M. P. reduced to sweep crossings for want of a place. HB's last is a pair of portraits of the little Chancellor of the Ex- chequer and the great Governor of the Bank : the likenesses are speaking ones.