The Complete Fisherman. By Walter M. Gallichan. (T. Werner Laurie.
25. 6d.)—This is a serviceable volume. Mr. Gellichan is not one of the haughty sportsmen who treat bottom- fishing, which, after all, must be the sport of nine anglers out of ten, with contempt. He frankly owns that be likes it, and he writes about it, as well as about. the more recherchi sport of trout and salmon fishing, with the knowledge of experience. We see that our author recommends paste as a bait for roach, &c., in running water. He should have added a counsel of patience, for it is apt to wash off with a most irritating rapidity. The writer of this notice has never found the gentle fail as a bait in the Thames at any time. In winter, of course, it is not commonly available. In "Notes on Chubbing " it might be as well to give a hint as to the condition of the water that promises success fer winter fishing. It must be neither muddy nor clear; a semi-opaque green is 'the best. It is surprising how good a fish for the table the chub becomes in winter. In summer he is simply detestable.