16 MARCH 1907, page 14
Ruthenes And Poles.
(To vas BDITOIL OF VIII .sexcrieron."] Sru,—In your issue of March 2nd you gave the contents of the article in the Times about the "Polish tyranny in Galicia." As a Pole, I was......
The Comprehensiveness Of The Church Of England. ,
[To THE EDITOR Or TEE •' SPROTAT011:9 Sia,—Perhaps you will allow me to inform your cone- spondent in last week's Spectator who signs himself "Presbyter" that the rubric at the......
Lord Kitchener And The Indian Army.
[To THE EDITOR OF Telt . 'sesarAxofo] Si,—May I, as an officer of the Indian Army, protest most strongly against your correspondent "India's" letter on "Lord Kitchener and the......